Well-Known Member
I have family that are right wingers and we are on good enough terms that we can have a discussion without one or more losing it and foaming at the mouth. When I go over issues of healthcare, defense, education, social safety net and other issues of the day, we generally agree on the need for sustaining and improving on many of the social programs and the need for rational defense policy. We diverge on political leadership to sustain and improve these programs.
You can't tell me that rednecks lack intelligence. Just like liberals, most are average in intelligence, which is to say they are smart enough to figure things out for themselves. My brother, who is a redneck, has the same k-12 education that I have. Needless to say, we grew up with the same family values and got our genetics from the same mother and father. Yet, as an adult, he bought into the idea that Obama was going to take over the government in 2016 also he's preparing for the collapse of civiliztion. The difference between us goes back to before we started kindergarten. But it isn't something I can just point at and say "there it is". He has always been more accepting of authority and moral values based in his attitudes than I was.
So, no. Most aren't racist, stupid or ignorant. The video touches on basic differences between progressive left leaning people and those that are more conservative. I don't think you can deny that liberals have "explained it" to conservatives. If there is one thing that liberals like to do is lecture and talk about their beliefs. I sure wish that Al Gore had shut the fuck up more often when he was running for office. Same goes for Kerry.
Everybody has their own unique life experience.
If by 'rednecks' you mean conservatives, my life experience tends to show that most are racist to varying degrees, most are stupid (if you buy into fake news, I consider that stupid and/or ignorant).
Be advised I live in a rural area. I'm white, old, and look like a sterotypical Trump supporter. You'd be amazed at some of the shit I hear everyday.
I recently had a 45 minute argument from a guy who fucking insisted the 4th plane on 9/11 was shot down by the gov't. and covered up because some old guy at the Sommerset memorial told him he saw it.
I hear the N word on a near daily basis.
I hear that Hillary is a criminal despite never being charged with anything.
I hear that muslims are all terrorists and that they cheered on 9/11 and had parties.
I hear that Obama was a Kenyan born muslim.
I hear that Trump is the only guy in DC not corrupted because he has his own money. (They don't know how he got that money or who he shit on, they're just certain he's not corrupt.)
I hear that 5 million illegal Mexicans voted in the last election.
I hear that gays (and they don't use that word) should be shot.
I hear that Mexicans are stealing our jobs.
(where, I don't know-there's hardly any Mexicans around here)
I hear Fox News soundbites repeated verbatim.
I hear that liberals are communists.
A guy I know on SSI disability since his early 50's (who works everyday under the table) calls people on welfare mooches and thieves. When I ask him, 'what about you?' he says he earned his!
I have a couple good friends who are republicans. Neither voted for Trump. They voted for Hillary, and then R down the rest of the ballot.
I don't buy into classic stereotypes, but Jesus Christ, they are empowered by this caustic asshole who lucked into the presidency.
It's almost like being undercover. Somebody will use the N word, I say 'that's racist', and they say 'not really' or 'fuck you too'.
It gets old after a while. I feel out numbered around here since November. It's like Pandora's Box of racist assholes came out of hiding.
Don't get me wrong, they aren't all like that but the percentage is very high. Very high.
And why would anyone fly a confederate flag north of the Mason Dixon line? It can't be some historical reflection up north. It's meant to inflame and irritate.
I could literally give you hours of examples of this shit.
So, my life experience indicates a different picture than yours. One of less tolerance, especially when no minorities are around and they can spew their garbage freely.
Racism is coming back out of the closet again. And what's up with these 'Deport them All' bumper stickers?
I wish I was in California.