What would you do to "Jihad Johnny"?

didn't you used to get beat up as a kid by black kids?

ya know, because you are so damn tough?

didnt you used to get your crop jacked by neighborhood preteens?

and then turn in real growers due to inadequacy issues?

grabbin straws?

so youre saying you didnt hire your wifes boyfriend as your "bodyguard".
have him tried.
Anything less proves their point about us, a country so decadent they don't even follow their own rules.

Due process involves a day in court, not a UAV sending you a parcel from the USAF.

Oh . . . Wait. Guess they already proved their point.
I guess everyone knows that guy in black in the ISIL vids, who seems to be called Jihad Johnny. What would you do to him if caught? Life in jail with no parole, shoot on sight, or extra special stuff that should be reserved for future terrorists.Just curious, because I was thinking some bizarre shit, like stuff that would scare the shit out of the next guy that want's to chop off heads. Give me some ideas.
wat ever u do should be done onto you also. so use your imagination.
Anything less proves their point about us


i don't even care who tries them. us court, un court, military court - just present the evidence, prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, and give him his punishment.

taking the death penalty off the table (for any and all crimes) would also help to elevate us beyond the barbaric standards of other nations.

but, ya know...we gotta satisfy the republicans.

i haven't seen your ASVAB scores, but i promise you mine are better.

and i'm in better shape than you too.

and i am happy to post pics proving both. how about you, cowardly lion?
Let the British handle him. He "IS" one of theirs. The message would be 100 x's more effective on their peeps. Hopefully they will bury him north/south w/ pig skin boots on tho....

I'd wrap him up in cellaphant!!! If I were King of the Forrrrrrrrest!!!! Not prince, not duke, but Kinnnng of the Forrrrrrrest!!!
Answer: One round to the head and then get back to shooting more rag heads without giving that f cker another thought.
Torturing people isn't as much fun as movies would have you believe, they usually piss n shit everywhere. Only worth bothering about if they might have something worth talking about, usually don't. Usually start with their eyes, don't need them to talk and it can save time cause it looks most painful. :)
Answer: One round to the head and then get back to shooting more rag heads without giving that f cker another thought.
Torturing people isn't as much fun as movies would have you believe, they usually piss n shit everywhere. Only worth bothering about if they might have something worth talking about, usually don't. Usually start with their eyes, don't need them to talk and it can save time cause it looks most painful. :)
I think that would be a pretty good video dude pissing and shitting all over himself send it to his terrorist friends. I know it wouldn't stop them all but even if its and one jihad running with his tell him between his legs good thing to me.
I think that would be a pretty good video dude pissing and shitting all over himself send it to his terrorist friends. I know it wouldn't stop them all but even if its and one jihad running with his tell him between his legs good thing to me.

Some one has to clean up the mess though...
The issue is not WHAT you'd do, but HOW you'd do it, legally.

IF you treat the dude like he's just another international criminal, the way the media and our government seems to want to treat these dudes, than you've got to charge the dude with a crime, and prosecute accordingly in accordance with criminal law. FUCK that!

I would treat the dude as an unlawful combatant, in accordance with the law of land warfare, and try him in a military tribunal, which is a far more efficient system than is the civilian counterpart. As an unlawful combatant, if found guilty of crimes, which this dude has certainly committed, he may be subject to anything from detainment to death by hanging / firing squad.

What I WOULDN'T do is treat any of those pieces of shit the same way they treat THEIR detainees....because it's 2015, not 1015, and I'm not a fucking barbaric savage like our Muslim "friends".
The issue is not WHAT you'd do, but HOW you'd do it, legally.

IF you treat the dude like he's just another international criminal, the way the media and our government seems to want to treat these dudes, than you've got to charge the dude with a crime, and prosecute accordingly in accordance with criminal law. FUCK that!

I would treat the dude as an unlawful combatant, in accordance with the law of land warfare, and try him in a military tribunal, which is a far more efficient system than is the civilian counterpart. As an unlawful combatant, if found guilty of crimes, which this dude has certainly committed, he may be subject to anything from detainment to death by hanging / firing squad.

What I WOULDN'T do is treat any of those pieces of shit the same way they treat THEIR detainees....because it's 2015, not 1015, and I'm not a fucking barbaric savage like our Muslim "friends".
See tha Barbaric Savages are the people that do the head cutting of innocent cavilians. people like that should never see any sort of court room or judgge. if u no they did it like theses men in the vids just like child rapist no reason for a court to be involved