What would you do

@mrsunshine , I've actually been asking around(people I sell to) for shrooms. Sounds like it might be exciting..I only did ecstasy once when I was younger and it was a bad experience[/QUOTE]
:shock: .. Might not be a good idea.. If e went bad shrooms while you're already depressed will be intense
I am the exact same as you. These past 2 months ive sat in my house and did nothing. I dont even care if i die.
Try going for a hike, or camping, or kayaking. Just try being outside a little by yourself, it seems to clear my head a bunch when need be. Exercise if any sort will help as well, it makes it easier to rest at night and get a full nights rest
There nothing better than pulling your ass out of the rut and seeing how beautiful things are from an entirely different perspective. You can do it . I have faith in you . And you were funny as shit in Elf !
I hope so and I've been thinking about this comment all day. It will be nice to experience that, and look back on this thread from that point of view.
Volunteer at a dog resue or the spca. And take handfuls of mushrooms better yet ayahuasca but stay away from XTC..

Soup kitchen might make you more depressed. But at SPCA animals are cute and fluffy. And mostly girls work there. Instant pussy magnet.
Man I've been cooped up for so long, any time I see a girl even somewhat attractive, I get all flustered and nervous. Here's another bombshell. I've been separated a little more than a month now, and probably haven't had sex, or any sort of intimacy in almost three years.. if I ever do have sex with a new person I'll probably bust before I even unzip, haha sorry that's probably tmi.. but true..
Man I've been cooped up for so long, any time I see a girl even somewhat attractive, I get all flustered and nervous. Here's another bombshell. I've been separated a little more than a month now, and probably haven't had sex, or any sort of intimacy in almost three years.. if I ever do have sex with a new person I'll probably bust before I even unzip, haha sorry that's probably tmi.. but true..

Dude you are all good bro.. I have been through periods in my life for a year or whatever without sex. Masturbating is awesome! Just don't get to complacement with it.

Two questions.

How old are you?

And what is your trade?
Man idk if I'm having the worst mood swings ever or if I really am bipolar.
I'm definitely on a roller coaster of emotions. Prob the detoxing off weed...
It's seems like just this past day of being sober, I'm reexamining my life, and it don't seem good...
I pretty much feel like a fucking moron.. I had all these plans of growing weed and getting rich.... What a fucking moron I am....
Everything is going to shit, it seems. I haven't worked in two years, I wonder who the he'll would hire me. And whoever does I'm sure will be a shit job with shit pay...
I've had my head in the clouds for so long, and it all seems to be crashing down on me finally. On top of all that my Xbox stopped working last night(maybe that's a good that thing lol)
I mean, I can do lots of things I guess most people can do... I've always considered myself a natural athlete, just cause I'm usually good at any sport, besides golf. I'm pretty well coordinated, the older I get, the more I see some uncoordinated fuckers lol.. so I've always felt like I've have some sort of an edge advantage... But it's just finally starting to click that, I've gone absolutely no where.
Here's some recent pics of what I'm working with

Idk if you can tell, but majority of that is one plant... That's probably a noob move in itself. I'm just trying to stay under the legal amount.

Sorry had to take the pics down. I don't like having them up for everyone to look at anymore. Too paranoid
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Try therapy, or groups. Getting out and walking everyday helps. Time passes and things will become better usually, Hang in there, chin up. Life is a roller coaster. Antidepressants are good for your head but bad for you sex life. It's very hard to finish when you're on them. Best of luck.
Try therapy, or groups. Getting out and walking everyday helps. Time passes and things will become better usually, Hang in there, chin up. Life is a roller coaster. Antidepressants are good for your head but bad for you sex life. It's very hard to finish when you're on them. Best of luck.
I've been thinking about hitting up some AA meetings also. It'll be weird going on my own will.
Antidepressants kinda scared me. I've taken them once a long time ago and I remember feeling really weird, like more anxiety, and lots of pressure in my head. And I remember when I stopped taking them, food tastes 100 times better. That only lasted about two days though. I don't have to worry about it ruining my sex life though lol..