What's a movie that you can always watch?

Apocalypse now,
Fifth element,
Star Wars and empire strikes back(originals)
Caddy shack,
District 9 sucks me in when it's on...
Barfly (micky rourke)
star wars 4-6
Resident evil films, especially apocalypse (can't help it, I'm cunt struck with milla)
blade runner
Old Arnie stuff - Conan, Running man
Indiana Jones

Many, many more...
Trilogy of The Lord Of The Ring and i swear that i exactly saw the whole trilogy 33 time during my life ^^ I was the biggest fan when i was young :lol: And of course Las Vegas Parano:hump:
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I love Quentin Tarantino movies, cept Indigenous Bastards.
That one really didnt click to me.

Kill Bill 1&2
Pulp Fiction
From dusk til Dawn
I love Quentin Tarantino movies, cept Indigenous Bastards.
That one really didnt click to me.
Kill Bill 1&2
Pulp Fiction
From dusk til Dawn
Great pics nutes. i love those. Any other popcorn munchers? perhaps philadelphia, the crying game or tootsie? do you like musicals? I loved showgirls and chicago. Wasn't catherine zeta-jones ravishing, not that she can sing, but my god those outfits! To die for.
Come then, don't be shy.
Great pics nutes. i love those. Any other popcorn munchers? perhaps philadelphia, the crying game or tootsie? do you like musicals? I loved showgirls and chicago. Wasn't catherine zeta-jones ravishing, not that she can sing, but my god those outfits! To die for.
Come then, don't be shy.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show. ;)
Pretty rare I watch a movie more than once or twice. Platoon is one which I never get tired of. An old 40's noir called Key Largo is another one.
The Big Lebowski, Up in Smoke, Pineapple Express, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Billy Madison is also funny as hell, seen it like 20 times but that shits still hilarious.