What's a movie that you can always watch?

we were soldiers, i first saw it at 17, and i still cry every single time..in multiple parts of the movie..- the cabbie, i dont like this job maam, im just tryin to do it..if anyone has never seen it, i highly suggest it.
also apocalypse now. cause charlie dont surf.

and full metal jacket.cause mickey mouse
Can someone enlighten me on the Big Lebowski? Typically I am a huge Cohen Bros. fan but this one- I hated it. I tried watching again but it was a bore. couldn't connect. What do you all like about it?
Godfather 1 & 2
Blues Bros1 & 2
Pulp Fiction
Man on Fire
Any old Marx Bros

prolly alot more but I know if I'm channel surfing or playing DVD's if I see any of these I go for it
whats not to like, hes just a man who wants his rug back, it really tied the room together.

But just that: I get the rug thing, that's classic Cohen, but the rest just fell flat for me. Oh well.

oooh goodfellas..hell yes. also never really got into big lebowski

Thank you! at least one other. Best scene from goodfellas at 1:00 I agree with Lorraine B's character: It IS a turn on…the look in Liots' eyes mm hmm. Plus he gives that douche one for good measure. BAM

Has anybody said Leon?

Guess as a movie I would watch again and again. Would prob have to be a comedy. Maybe king pin or dumb and dumber. They just remind of good times