Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?



You need to let her understand that weed affects everyone differently. Let her know what 'good' it has done for you and your life and that you aren't on the same road as her "past relationships" that went sour.

If she's still being a turd about it...

Money. Weed. Women. In that specific order. Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
I knew I could count on some good advice from my brothers in pot. I don't know where its going. Shes pretty smokin and worth decieving for a while I guess. I'm just gonna ride it out and smoke behind her back. She catches me oh well ya know haha.

Thanks for the help. I'll keep ya posted haha
jus the thing i'd do....great mind's think alike lol


Well-Known Member
wow, im really surprised at how common this issue is here...guys seriously...i'll explain this from a womans perspective, my perspective will be different because im a toker, but heres my take.

women like this, tend to see pot as a sign of weakness or something. a lot of people equate pot use with like coke or other harder drugs because of what they've been taught growing up. people have this idea in their heads that stoners are these stupid lazy slackers who just sit around getting wasted all day. we all know that this is a BS stereotype, but a lot of people out there dont realize it. so maybe she just doesnt like the stigma attached to pot smokers.

now. i say fuck her. fuck her good, then smoke a joint in front of her and if she doesnt like it...escort her to the door. this is a control thing. women for some reason that i do not understand are forever trying to "train" their men to be the exact man they want. they will find someone they're attracted to and then do what they can to try and shape and mold their man into something that they prefer. that is BULLSHIT. its just a way to control you and if you give up weed for your girl...what else are you going to be willing to give up? remember that you teach people how to treat you. if you give in to her wishes now, she's going to get the impression that you're going to do this all the time. fuck that.

if she truly cares about you, she will care about you with or without the weed. if you were smoking it before you met her and were smoking it when you started dating, then she knew well in advance. and if she didnt like you being a pot smoker, she should have left the situation instead of trying to change you. dont lie to her and toke behind her back, let her know that if she wants to be with you she has to accept you and love you for the person you are right now. without changing you. and if she cant accept you and love you for the person you are...then really...she's not worth the effort. you can find someone better.

*edit to add*

i dont care how hot she is. you CAN find a girl just as hot as her...who likes the mary just as much as you. there are hot stoner girls out there. or at least you'll be able to find someone just as hot who wont be so against your toking.


Active Member
wow, im really surprised at how common this issue is here...guys seriously...i'll explain this from a womans perspective, my perspective will be different because im a toker, but heres my take.

women like this, tend to see pot as a sign of weakness or something. a lot of people equate pot use with like coke or other harder drugs because of what they've been taught growing up. people have this idea in their heads that stoners are these stupid lazy slackers who just sit around getting wasted all day. we all know that this is a BS stereotype, but a lot of people out there dont realize it. so maybe she just doesnt like the stigma attached to pot smokers.

now. i say fuck her. fuck her good, then smoke a joint in front of her and if she doesnt like it...escort her to the door. this is a control thing. women for some reason that i do not understand are forever trying to "train" their men to be the exact man they want. they will find someone they're attracted to and then do what they can to try and shape and mold their man into something that they prefer. that is BULLSHIT. its just a way to control you and if you give up weed for your girl...what else are you going to be willing to give up? remember that you teach people how to treat you. if you give in to her wishes now, she's going to get the impression that you're going to do this all the time. fuck that.

if she truly cares about you, she will care about you with or without the weed. if you were smoking it before you met her and were smoking it when you started dating, then she knew well in advance. and if she didnt like you being a pot smoker, she should have left the situation instead of trying to change you. dont lie to her and toke behind her back, let her know that if she wants to be with you she has to accept you and love you for the person you are right now. without changing you. and if she cant accept you and love you for the person you are...then really...she's not worth the effort. you can find someone better.

*edit to add*

i dont care how hot she is. you CAN find a girl just as hot as her...who likes the mary just as much as you. there are hot stoner girls out there. or at least you'll be able to find someone just as hot who wont be so against your toking.
:clap: I'd rep ya but I can't you put it perfectly


Oracle of Hallucinogens
someone that loves you, loves you for who you are. if the person you are smokes weed, then she should love you for it. a true lover will not ask/make you try and change yourself for them, because when you change, you are no longer the person that they fell in love with... and that doesnt apply to just weed either.
Fuck that and a half.

Dude.. have you ever been addicted to anything hard? You fucking need someone there for you to clean your ass up.

Yeah weed isn't hard, but then again, if you're high/drunk/etc. everyday you do not have the cognitave functional ability to realize you're being a douchebag.

Is there a chance smoking weed is indeed having an effect on your relationship and you just do not notice it? I mean you are on a weed forum asking what's better? My relationship or pot?

To me.. sounds like you should lay off the pot for a lil. Just my 2 cents.

not just you lol. i'd never chose a guy over weed. :weed:
That speaks measures. By chance are you addicted to the use of marijuana?


Well-Known Member
hehe thanks

women everywhere would want to kill me if they saw what i wrote haha. my uncles ex wife was like this...she was always trying to make him change to fit her ideals. when i was little...one of the first things she taught me was "all men are potential jerks" its nuts. and so many women are like that...trying to change their man to fit what they want. i dont know why people dont just take their time finding someone who already possesses the qualities they like so that they dont need to waste their time and energy trying to change someone...


Well-Known Member
Fuck that and a half.

Dude.. have you ever been addicted to anything hard? You fucking need someone there for you to clean your ass up.

Yeah weed isn't hard, but then again, if you're high/drunk/etc. everyday you do not have the cognitave functional ability to realize you're being a douchebag.

Is there a chance smoking weed is indeed having an effect on your relationship and you just do not notice it? I mean you are on a weed forum asking what's better? My relationship or pot?

To me.. sounds like you should lay off the pot for a lil. Just my 2 cents.

That speaks measures. By chance are you addicted to the use of marijuana?
i disagree. when im sober my cognitive functioning is significantly lower. im much better able to function when im high. i pay more attention to detail, im able to think quicker and problem solve more effectively...my entire quality of life and my ability to be productive is enhanced by smoking pot. :mrgreen:

weed is not a physically addictive substance. it can be psychologically habit forming, but non addictive. im a medical user, its the only thing that works for me...

you should never have to change or give up things that you get enjoyment from for another person. they either like you the way you are, or they dont. i can understand if it was a hard drug that could kill you or cause a real addiction, but not pot.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
i disagree. when im sober my cognitive functioning is significantly lower. im much better able to function when im high. i pay more attention to detail, im able to think quicker and problem solve more effectively...my entire quality of life and my ability to be productive is enhanced by smoking pot. :mrgreen:
Every addict on earth could come up with an excuse as to why their substance of choice is good for their lifestyle.

Regardless of if you disagree, chronic use of marijuana has been SHOWN (fact, not opinion) to hinder memory and learning ability. Not to mention, it is SHOWN (again fact, not opinion) to hinder one's attention.


Well-Known Member
Every addict on earth could come up with an excuse as to why their substance of choice is good for their lifestyle.

Regardless of if you disagree, chronic use of marijuana has been SHOWN (fact, not opinion) to hinder memory and learning ability. Not to mention, it is SHOWN (again fact, not opinion) to hinder one's attention.
thats interesting. so it was just a coincidence then when my IQ went up after i started smoking weed? and when pot is the only medication that helps to relive my symptoms after trying several medications...what about that? and hinder ones attention...so the fact that everything i do when high is done more carefully, with more attention to detail and with much better outcomes...is a coincidence? pot does have an effect on your short term memory. that can be easily handled by simply being mindful and focusing on whatever you're doing. i control my brain. not marijuana. if i want to "give in" to the high and just laze around and enjoy it while relaxing i can. if i want to use the high in a productive manner, i can do that as well. its all about choices. people can choose to let the pot slow them down and intoxicate them to the point that they're being lazy...or they can choose to use the high in a productive manner. its up to them.


Staff member
if she really loved you she wouldnt try to change you or make you do things you want to do.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
thats interesting. so it was just a coincidence then when my IQ went up after i started smoking weed?
i control my brain. not marijuana.
just to see your response.

and when pot is the only medication that helps to relive my symptoms after trying several medications...what about that?
I never said marijuana does not have medicinal properties, I am very pro-medical marijuana.

I am just saying someone is an idiot if they think that they can (on a frequent basis) put ANYTHING (besides maybe purified water) into their system and not have side effects.


if she really loved you she wouldnt try to change you or make you do things you want to do.
If it HONESTLY causes a problem in the relationship and she mentions it, she fucking loves him! If someone sees something that you do (or the actions that you make because of something you do) as self-destructive and tries to tell you.. that is not "changing" that is the work required to be in a relationship, it is give and take.

Are you saying that if a man beats his wife and the female tells the male that the physical, domestic abuse is a deterrent to the relationship.. if she asks him to stop, she does not love him? She should openly accept the problem in the relationship and just deal with it and repress it because she loves him?

Yeah the example is blown out of proportion.. but there is a relation.


Staff member
heir system and not have side effects.


If it HONESTLY causes a problem in the relationship and she mentions it, she fucking loves him! If someone sees something that you do (or the actions that you make because of something you do) as self-destructive and tries to tell you.. that is not "changing" that is the work required to be in a relationship, it is give and take.

Are you saying that if a man beats his wife and the female tells the male that the physical, domestic abuse is a deterrent to the relationship.. if she asks him to stop, she does not love him? She should openly accept the problem in the relationship and just deal with it and repress it because she loves him?

Yeah the example is blown out of proportion.. but there is a relation.

yeah i would that example is completely irrelevant due to how extreme it is
obviously if a man beats the shit out of his wife he doesn't love her and she should leave I was in a 2 year relationship and I was told I had to quit weed which I did and I would say he completely changed who I was in every which way it's terrible if the person your with can't be happy with you as you are then there is a problem. I highly doubt pot is over taking his life but if it is he could cut back instead of quitting all together . there are plenty of other fish in the sea who could love him for who he actually is instead of tying to change who he is


Well-Known Member
just to see your response.

I never said marijuana does not have medicinal properties, I am very pro-medical marijuana.

I am just saying someone is an idiot if they think that they can (on a frequent basis) put ANYTHING (besides maybe purified water) into their system and not have side effects.
i understand what you're saying :) i just think that people tend to over generalize their info on pot. everyone reacts to it differently, just like with any type of drug out there, legal or not, addictive or not. some people just cant function well when high...i know a couple guys like this lol. but for whatever reason, this stuff has increased my quality of life in so many ways. some people like my mom, can take a pharmaceutical antidepressant drug and get the positive effect of the drug with very little negative side effects. i had to attempt 5 or 6 different drugs and endless combinations of them only to find out that nothing pharma helped me, and those drugs almost killed me.

i've seen no negative side effects of pot aside from it making me drowsy if i smoke too much at a time...so i just make sure that i only smoke before im planning to sleep. or if im going out for the day, i have just a very small amount, so i have a clear head, but im not droopy eyed. there is a need for moderation, that isnt even debatable as far as im concerned...you CAN have too much of a good thing and i've gone through periods of smoking too much and that wasnt helpful at all. but for people who are responsible with their pot use, and can find that balance of moderated use, it typically is more of a life enhancer than a life hinderer.


Well-Known Member
just to see your response.

Are you saying that if a man beats his wife and the female tells the male that the physical, domestic abuse is a deterrent to the relationship.. if she asks him to stop, she does not love him? She should openly accept the problem in the relationship and just deal with it and repress it because she loves him?

Yeah the example is blown out of proportion.. but there is a relation.

No relation. This is example is far to extreme.