What's For Dinner Tonight?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Ever see the tuna cowboys the corral the fish and 'drive' them back to land. Takes weeks as the fish can only swim so fast.

Steak for me tonight, salmon with English mustard and maple syrup glaze for the missus.

Anyone got any fresh ideas for steak sauce? Not big on peppercorn.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
squid, octopus, cuttlefish and mussels for starter followed by a kilogram of Jamaican jerked chicken thighs and wings for me main :) And if i'm still hungry the fridge is full of peperamis :)


Well-Known Member
That was the reward I guess lol, I just wasn't feeling good at all but then yesterday I started getting hungry for sushi.

tuna, eel, salmon, crab... mhmm a mix of traditional sushi and decided I'd throw some fusion sushi in as well since I like me some tempura.


Well-Known Member
I'm more for the boring stuff, give me tuna nigiri/maki, cucumber, salmon, seabass, ume/anko onigiri, sashimi (plain) any day. Traditional... I like wagashi so any kind of mochi or dorayaki and I'm smiling. Ooh, and yakitori. Everything is better on a stick.


Ursus marijanus
Now I'm jonesin for the soosh. I love me a good nigiri ... esp. yellowtail and salmon. Fatty salmon is like chocolate for predators. cn


Global Moderator
Staff member
Now I'm jonesin for the soosh. I love me a good nigiri ... esp. yellowtail and salmon. Fatty salmon is like chocolate for predators. cn
I can see you need a northern friend - you're drooling on your keyboard.
We have so much salmon here I cook it and feed it to my dogs. I'm not talking the fuzzy spawned out type - I mean ocean caught King and silvers that are dime bright.

PS; We don't even bother keeping Chums or Humpies.



Well-Known Member
The sushi choises for tonight.

Appetizer: tuna tataki

tamago (mhmm dashimaki is a gift from the heavens)

And some fusion sushi roll called firebird (tuna, salmon, red snapper, white tuna, crab meat, cucumber, and avocado) Best sounding one they had.

I'll snap a pic later.


Well-Known Member
Ooh... my gosh... I can't take all this sushi porn... I'm going to have a foodgasm.


Pat the stoner

New Member
I can see you need a northern friend - you're drooling on your keyboard.
We have so much salmon here I cook it and feed it to my dogs. I'm not talking the fuzzy spawned out type - I mean ocean caught King and silvers that are dime bright.

PS; We don't even bother keeping Chums or Humpies.That looks very delicious . I wish I had some of that

View attachment 2047034
That looks very delicious . I wish I had some of that