What's For Dinner Tonight?

Everyone around here can't believe it when they see how many beans I put in... they are like... whoa... what about the gas?

But they have hardly any at all. Anytime I get caught short I always keep some Pedigree in cans on hand. That is when they earn their reputations as dogs...:lol: On the homeade stuff.... all quiet. It's not that much more in cost if you add it all up. All of my dogs are 50lb and above...one being 100.
Everyone around here can't believe it when they see how many beans I put in... they are like... whoa... what about the gas?

But they have hardly any at all. Anytime I get caught short I always keep some Pedigree in cans on hand. That is when they earn their reputations as dogs...:lol: On the homeade stuff.... all quiet. It's not that much more in cost if you add it all up. All of my dogs are 50lb and above...one being 100.

wots going on here then...bongsmilie
ahhh okay.... I had never heard of sweet buttermilk...:lol: great to hear...a new twist for me. throw some brown sugar on it...:wink:
ahhh okay.... I had never heard of sweet buttermilk...:lol: great to hear...a new twist for me. throw some brown sugar on it...:wink:

sounds a bit sickley for me cant really eat alot of ice cream and choclate and stuff :roll:

bad stomach pains ...caused from greenleaf..


after many years of weed and pot smokes all complaining they got a bad tummy,and all the doctors,and surgeons had enough they must find the answer for this bad tummy ,which they were just calling bad belly until they had found out what it was causing all these bad bellys..2 weeks later on a sat afternoon, at 3.30 50 of em doctors,nurses,professors,and other medical people garthered to watch the football and have a bbq...and disscuse once and for all the cause of bad belly..so they did,they were aloud to take 5 strong spliffes with them of varies brands of weed to smoke to help them decide...they sat down to watch the football with there burgers and watched the match..no one spoke till half time...then suddenly they all jumped up had a spliff and dissued the matter...10 mins later for the second half they were all bac in there seats quite,till after the game..then they said it...the answer they been looking for after 20 years..all weed and pot smokers had developed a new virus and ...
GREEN LEAF...is a new green thc virus..its caused by long term weed smokers over 30/40 years were slowly starving there bodies of oxegen.as the more weed they smoked the faster they become ill as the thc trys to leave our bodies through our skin,but is too big with the virus on it gets stuck to the inside and starts to buld up..
THE STOMACH is always the first to go as because its in the centre of the body and large its used as a air pump to constantley supplying the rest oif the body,but as soon as green leaf has sealed the outside the only air left is in the stomach and once used up YOUR FUCKED..there are operations and medication u can go on,but very rarley do they work.the best thing for it is weed the stronger the better as the green leaf that lives on the thc, builds up and up the more thc it need to breed which is why is the best thing for it..to keep the body going:le af:


cats on guard..on these premises
sweet buttermilk...I love cornbread...does it change the taste at all...the sweet buttermilk?

Oh I will eat the crap out of homemade Mac.... every time... but no..no box anymore. :lol: I'd rather go hungry.... honest.

Well according to the thread subject.... throw it in the micro? 2 minutes/50% power.

:hump: anyone for tea

Well I'm using the slow cooker today, and am cooking ribs with potatoes and carrots, with onions, garlic, bacon wrapped around the ribs, cooked in alfreado sauce.
Prolly make a Side Kick with it as well.
Yummy yummy
hehe, owned :lol: i've jsut gona and bought a KFC zinger, towered up :) one of the only burgers known to man that actually looks like it's advertising picture :)
garlic and rosemary steak with BBQ marinated steak with sides f broccoli and baby new tatties

That sounds fantastic!

mmmmmm, first jersey royals of the year
jersey royals.... can you elaborate please? :wink:

Well I'm using the slow cooker today, and am cooking ribs with potatoes and carrots, with onions, garlic, bacon wrapped around the ribs, cooked in alfreado sauce.
Prolly make a Side Kick with it as well.
Yummy yummy
That's new one for me.... is that a family recipe perhaps?

no everything is in order here

Oh then...can I take ur order please? Oh wait....that was another thread...:lol:
i don't know whats for dinner yet i do know i'm still tasting some of the thick sliced bacon from my breakfast with toast and eggs over easy ,and a dab of orange marmalade