What's For Dinner Tonight?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
That looks good especially the soup
the soup needs more greens i doubled the amount spinach and kale in the next batch and it was way better had a natural creamy tone to it without any cream of sort........added some ginger..was a good choice

turmeric and Cinnamon in small amounts can change your flavor substantially

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
got to love byproducts of beer yeast production as a basis of flavour profiles.....

byproduct for the win....think pink slime but butter half the world eats........half the world eats bugs to yall ......i dont prefer it to other sources of protein.....

and im done for the night or dons wont be able to figure out how to cook tomorrows meal


Well-Known Member
got to love byproducts of beer yeast production as a basis of flavour profiles.....

byproduct for the win....think pink slime but butter half the world eats........half the world eats bugs to yall ......i dont prefer it to other sources of protein.....
It is great , try it some time might wake you up abit !

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
never heard that

but im sure you have personal expiernce

sheep is alright im not as much a fan of farmed meat and its industry ,........but costco has great NZ sheep , and really cheap Aus Sheep

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
have you even spoken once about food in two pages other then to discredit me or some other form of defamation .......suck my PNW tip ....or tell me how to cook my next meal

im soy free dairy free, gluten free, and i eat fish and poultry