What's For Dinner Tonight?

I assumed i need not say I didn't make those dishes right!?

Ceepea, it was Doreen black pudding. secret recipe, made up north in England baked rather than boiled for a drier/ meatier pud. I don't know how the chef managed it but those little white things in the pic are chunks of pig skin crackling. they literally melted in the mouth. At 3 courses for £25, we'll be back to try the al a carte soon.

taco's from scratch look tops man. I've done nothing as adventurous in time. as it's the season we've eaten nothing but junk for weeks and I feel like crap. me and the gf are craving vegetables lol.

Rueben's sound pretty weird to me. I mean sauerkraut and corned beef with russian dressing? wtf!? is russian dressing?
munchin on some pickles i made this year!
what we'd call export strength gin to boot. for new years we went to Edinburgh's street party, Hogmanay. no glass inside so made up a couple of drinks to take....


had the ladies in the kitchen on a production line pouring our a double measure to top up and add a slice haha