What's For Dinner Tonight?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ew,, that sounds horrible then. when we were in the states as kids, and all we wanted was peanut butter and jam sarnies, ALL we could find was jelly, to which my brother was greatly dissapointed, he thought he'd just ordered a peanutbutter and JELLY sandwhich. not sure why that would be so appealing to him, but he was dissapointed :P

spam is minging!



New Member
Don.... that is something you should NOT know about.... :lol:

TGSS .... man, you are certainly an "advanced" grower..... I tip my candle to you....


Well-Known Member
Tonight i think i am making chicken soup. I'm feeling a bit under the weather since last night. I roasted a whole chicken Lightly seasoned with a dry rub last night and pulled all the good meat while my dog ( Bishop) ate not so favorable parts.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
No breakfast this morning folks....just black coffee. Probably going to make a lobster/mayo sammy for lunch later on....after a certain delivery is made...

That's a big coincidence Estes.... I have a candle lit grow room that is squeezing out major poundage also. I use 4 scented candles.... and a few mirrors. growing weed is so easy.
That sounds really efficient cj. I have some autoflowers that I have planted next to my t.v. I watch t.v about 4 or 5 hours a day and the light from that gives me an o per plant. Granted it is an hd t.v. You could not get any major weight from an old school t.v but they would still grow.


Well-Known Member
Will do. I got some seedlings going in front of my alarm clock now. I will veg them on fox news and flower them on the static.


Well-Known Member
Edit: lol@^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

make sure you set the contrast right to get the most out of your tv.. also look into venting the back of your tube, this will allow you to get that tv just a liiiiitle closer thus bigger yield. Oh and light hangers don't work in this method, use rope and a pulley system.


Well-Known Member
no clue what im eating for dinner, but my ex/new girlfriend is coming over. maybe ill order take out. what ever she wants, because i wanna get some