What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
i'll trade 2 screwdrivers and a box of sheetrock screws for a bar-b-qued cheeseburger on a soft french roll with bacon and avocado.

i have the screwdrivers, you bring the burger.

any takers?



Well-Known Member
Dude if I paid you a visit i'm bringing back some elbows of some fire ass dank! Yes you could also have a cheeseburger and deduct it from the price.


Well-Known Member
Since crackerjax cant be here I will tell y'all he is eating some sort of egg and onion concoction. With maybe some cucumber.lol. See ya when when come back from suspension bro.


Well-Known Member
I don't really know because it happened over the weekend and I usually only on riu on weekdays. I came back monday morning and I guess him and fdd had a disagreement. lol.


Well-Known Member
I got a deal for you.. trade me some shrooms for this cheese steak!

fdd,, I'll take the screws off your hands but if the screw drivers are phillips i have plenty of them, if there flats I'll take'm

People always steal my FLATS!:cuss::wall:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
who the hell still makes bloody flat head screws! they are a pain in my arse and i've cut myself on stiff ones too many times. although on the same aount i guess i've had to drill out wayyyyy too many phillips screws :P

i'm off to a reseraunt tonight. apparently it's japanese chinese korean thai and you name the orient, at £5 a dish, so i'm not too excited haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i use them to open paint cans:hump:
i think robert has it :lol: my flathead screwdrivers, well i think i could say that i use them 95% of the time for non screwdriver related offences, breaking and entering, knicking cars, shanking, haha.

honestly though, i use them more for around the house jobs, than i do on screws.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from lunch. Same place I ate breakfast at which is my wife's work. I had fried turkey,stuffing with gravy,and green beans with a sweet tea.buuurrrp!