What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
That's what this thread is allot about. We don't just talk food. We trip out talking funny ass shit all day while we smoke.


Well-Known Member
they used the word "son" in reference to another member ,that was twisted into being demeaning ,doc used it with a smiley and made a joke out of it ,,,steaks for dinner tonight can't get off topic don't want to get banned
BBQ chicken sandwhich with potato chips for lunch. Who me or some other doc? I don't usually say "son". :???:


Well-Known Member
It's so good! We still have one wholesale store called solomons that gets random shit and they have it sometimes so I just stock up when they do.


Well-Known Member
who wouled close a dinner thread. Gonna grill pork tenderloin tonight with homemade dill and bacon potato salad with mixed veg.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
dill, hmm, wouldn't have thought about adding that to potato salad. i normally rustle up a potato salad with bacon, chorizo and parasssssan :) i've gone cheap and cheerful, 15 bottles of stella and a store bought pizza sitting in the fridge for later.

i have to say i havn't had a propper, NICE, salad in years. my ma used to whip up an amazing dressing with honey mustard and vinegar etc, but i never got the recipe and everything from the shop is sugary and manically intense.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what's your opinion in the whole smacking the shit out of your steak rob? everyone i come across talks about how they beat theirs with a rolling pin, i just touch it and realise that tender enoughhhhhhhhh already, is it just with cheap steaks or just some kind of wifes tale?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i shutter if i see someone press a steak or burger with a spatula all that does is force out moisture ,tell them to leave it alone it didn't do anything to them, cheap steaks may need a little extra to tenderizes AK will know what the tool is called it has like 100 tiny knife blades and you stab it repeatedly into the steak both sides , i've never hit a steak before



Well-Known Member
the steaks that i prepped two days ago came out of the fridge so they can reach room temp before they go on the grill

Damn! they are going to taste so good after marinating for 48 hrs:hump:

Ps,, to anyone that presses burgers or steaks or any meat while cooking YOU'RE FU**ING IT UP:x

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i know the thing you talk of, meat enederisers? :lol: there's probably some fancy name that as you say, AK will know

i've never in my life found the need to pound my steaks, that might be because i pay attention to what i'm buying, i just always saw it as rather silly, especially when half of these people take it out of the pan and get right at it. leave it be for 10 minutes or so! please!