What's For Dinner Tonight?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yup i think its fucking retarded to pay 20$+ for a pasta dish you can make for like 3.50 LOL
I can't speak in dollars, but yup, I'd sell a disk of frozen puff pastry, about 30p slice of goats cheese, 4 leaves, and a squit or honey and charge 8 quid. Was looking at going out for dinner for my mams birthday last year at a fish restaurant, we were looking at over 150 pounds for three of us without drinks. I went to the local shops and did fresh sushi grade tuna steaks for starters, and whole wild sea bass for mains, for 30 pounds for everything.


Well-Known Member
... most restaurants use the cheapest ingredients. Among many reasons I do not, and will not ever eat at any establishment again, is, cause, I know.
The food may look good or appear good, but it really isn't. Unless the owner is conscious and cares, it's most likely crap food, and is part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
I have a tough time, still, saying no thank you, when offered something that looks, smells, and probably tastes amazing, but is not organic, or has some dairy. It's like, "no, I don't want your awesome looking ganja brownie cause it has butter in it, so no thanks" or "No, I don't want one of your muffins, cause I don't eat dairy and your muffins were made with milk" Some people realize they are capable of smiling about that, others are thrown into a flux of thoughts regarding their own food intake, and I find that to be something I'm not really wanting to throw into peoples worlds. So I just don't go to restaurants any more, and I don't go places or visit booths at markets for stuff I know I would not eat, cause the look in the eye and saying of no thanks just seems to hurt some people. It's like, they grew all this food, but not organically, so I won't eat it, and they feel bad or something, but hopefully eventually they will see the value and benefit of organic cultivation. then i'll eat all of their food.

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
yes my mom is a lesbian.
she has been her entire life. medical test tube shit wasnt around when i was born so my mom recruited her best friend my dad, and 2 bottles of wine, and viola i am here today! :)

my moms wife has been around for 15 years now, she is wonderful i love her lots!
If I was seduced by a lesbian with wine and ended up having a kid, I'd want it to be you :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

thought i'd try and rekindle some love with salmon. nope, i still hate that shit. and i love seafood and river fish too. dunno why i can;t get my tastebuds round the stuff.


Staff member
i could never like salmon , i dont know why i just dont like it.
halibut, talipa, basa or any other type of fish i liked alot

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
pancake day cometh! anyone giving anything up for lent? not that i'm into religion but it's custom to prattle about quitting drinking or smoking or in my bosses case, not having pancakes every day. he did it a few years back. ate nothing but pancakes for a month. sweet savoury you name it.

picked up some goodies from the local posh nosh market this after.

nom nom nom