What's For Dinner Tonight?

I came here expecting lots of recipes with canna-butter, and was pleasantly surprised by a mix of them, and everyone else having way more awesome of meals than I have been lately, makes me wish I was a better cook. Does anyone have some more up to date recipes that might involve Cannabis? I'm hungry! Haha.
I came here expecting lots of recipes with canna-butter, and was pleasantly surprised by a mix of them, and everyone else having way more awesome of meals than I have been lately, makes me wish I was a better cook. Does anyone have some more up to date recipes that might involve Cannabis? I'm hungry! Haha.
youre in the regular cooking section go to the cannabis one located here : https://www.rollitup.org/f/cooking-with-cannabis.56/
and a banana for breakfast . lol . fighting infection so a pill of poolshock should help. so yummy calcium hypochlorite. lol.
then some more with more fruit for lunch. i have no idea whats for dinner yet. it will be vegetables though. I know that.
Life's all about balance, I saved money making a big lush pasta dish I can have for lunch tomoz and decided a pint of 7% box social ludic was necessary.

God damn I do love an IPA