when the dispensary patrons come my way for an interview I find this is exactly what they say. "I just want the highest thc you got" and they say "most weed is bunk", "I have a high tolerance" ....."I use about four oz's a month".
so when I pack their first sack($225!) 4 oz=150 an oz)with an oz of absolutely anything in my room they always come back with "whoa, dude, I still have 3/4 oz left from three weeks ago....meh, 1/2 oz /month gram a day dispensary schmucks. it aint the money..., it aint the thc......its the shitty weed they were accustomed to getting at the dispensaries, shitty name changers, shitty thc liars, =explains why they thought they needed the highest thc right.... c'mon, we all know the jig on the other side of the counter. when theres money to be made the dynamics of servicing the whole- program/weed efficacy, potency, etc changes as we've seen the last 9 years in my state anyways. I know colorado and cali are much different, different vibes, different service, different quality and expectation. so many users today believe if they get knocked down to the couch it must be good weed.
this is not to reflect on your past services but experiences of myself and those I know with the limited dispensaries we are aware of from Detroit, Port Huron,Flint.
Ime, often those who cannot be maintained by a caregiver are at the dispensary, paying twice as much for half the quality.