whats the best way to check cocaine purity?

ever try...?

ive never seen coke with it.. but could be my coke comes from a different route through dif manufacturers. east and west coast oke never lookes wet either i notice.. where my kitchen cut will be straight goop if it sits out a few hrs. idk idc

The stiff I've been seeing. Looks. A little less boutique than that. But it still has every cosmetic character of some.of the better stuff of the 80s. Dissolves completely and clearly, smells of acetone maybe a bit of diesel. Sometimes bubblegum. Cleaves nicely, waxy, flakes, sometimes a bit off white but a wash makes it perfect leaving a bit of yellow brown sticky oil. Rubs out smoothly no grit.

But cooking it off shows lavamisol, after that creamy slightly sweet smell, taste it goes to acrid chemical and ashes up.

It's in there. I can't say with your pic. Not all samples, but as I said up to 80 percent. There is something wrong with the high too. Jut a little.off. Drifts, isolating.
Hello, I just joined this forum and wanted give my opinion on this old but alive thread.

I can guarantee that 99% of the "bricks" at the border to US wont pass 80-85% of purity. They get cut several times before it gets to the border, this is talking about just in the way of getting from south border to north border of mexico, only good news to this is that in mexico the most common and cheaper cutting agent is lactose, which is harmless to health or at least almost harmless, this is used because once the process of cutting and re-bricking is done lactose gives that yellowish pearl lke finish, even more than it was before cutting.

Most pure bricks that I heard back then (early 90's) used to be 97% of purity, And last decade I heard of same purity, but this bricks were not for US their final destiny was european market and they werent cut not because of that but because of how well the stamp in it was marked, vacuum bags were custom made with the brand of the brick how the strips of tape were used, it was very difficult for transporters to duplicate the brand stamp and packaging.

Just to point out some facts why most likely people who buys snow from an 8th (3.5g) and below dont even know what a 50% of purity snow is like. Dealers who buys by a brick would not sell less than Oz, and if he is a good dealer and would not cut it, he would not sell it for less than $800-$1000(L.A. market price) an oz to make it worth the risk, and you are talking of almost 36 transactions. Gram dealers buy an ounce and cut it at least to make 1.5 ounces, and there is even dealers who buys an 8th to sell $20's this usually end up at 20-25% of purity at the streets.

Other things to concider:
  • The purer, the consistency is not rock hard, as some has mentioned it is oilish, so without applying any heat to dry it it cant be grind to powder to be snored. Easiest way to make it usable is heating up a plate to 100c degrees and smash it with a spoon till it is real fine powder.
  • Lidocaine, Benzocain and all anesthetics that come in powder presentation take longer to feel the numbness than snow, even at 20% purity snow numbness can be felt almost instantly, if you were to taste the mentioned above they take above 30 seconds before you start to feel the numbness.
  • Snoring anesthetics used in snow feel spicy until numbness takes effect, it irritates, therefor users tend to use it in shorter periods of time to get rid of the pain that comes back and not because they stop feeling that the effect is gone, this becomes a necessity because of the irritation caused by cutting agents used, which ever they are.
  • Good snow wont make you paranoid, it should wake you up, more alertness, more focused. If it gets you paranoid its because of meths used to make it feel as a drug, otherwise you wont feel anything but pain and not an enjoyable trip in the sky.
If you want real pure snow (100% purity) then find a dealer who has double or triple washed snow. But its way more expensive but way less harmful, and no paranoid effect which most people are familiar to.

So if you want to know purity then get washed snow, and get familiar with it, and when you get regular snow then you would easily determined how good or bad it is, or buy atleast an ounce and google how to wash snow and do it yourself, but get ready for the truth, you most likely end up with 10-15g out of the 28g, but good shit though.

Mods, please remove if I violated any rules, I just went straight to give my opinion before reading the rules, I appologize if I did. None of what i mentioned is a secret that cant be found on the web.
You always could buy a professional test on eBay and check your stuff. It's called EZ Test Kit for Cocaine identification. Peace
I like your rhythm and flow of things ;)

But anything here you find in America will be cut to SHIT! Anything that slightly stings the nose and makes your heart feel strained after a few lines is cut. Good ass blow will cost about 80 a gram. A 100mg line will set your straight !
Ok say i buy a g.how can i test how much real coke is acually in it.or test be4 i buy
Now that experience sounds pure, and untouched by greedy fingers ;)
if you handled ehough soft in your life you can litterly rub your finger over a brick and tell if its raw or not by rubbing a lil coke inbetween your tumb and index finger.... if its oily it raw.......... if its grittyish its stepped on... takes a lil time to get this down.... plus pure coke has that look to it... it like a greyish white and bricked hard has fuck like chalk if its oil based, and sparkley flakes if its that good snorting coke.... aka the fish scale
damn it’s like back in the day between the mid 70s-the early 90s is when I had a line straight off the boat and always picked up at the docks best product I ever received china white
Snatched up a ball today and I gotta say for it being $60 a g and $150 a ball these guys product nowadays is trash man I’m glad I gave this shit up 20yrs ago cuhz I was a zone a week kinda guy especially when I was gettin 5 bricks for 47.5k back in the day that soft was major ....⛰
Hello, I just joined this forum and wanted give my opinion on this old but alive thread.

I can guarantee that 99% of the "bricks" at the border to US wont pass 80-85% of purity. They get cut several times before it gets to the border, this is talking about just in the way of getting from south border to north border of mexico, only good news to this is that in mexico the most common and cheaper cutting agent is lactose, which is harmless to health or at least almost harmless, this is used because once the process of cutting and re-bricking is done lactose gives that yellowish pearl lke finish, even more than it was before cutting.

Most pure bricks that I heard back then (early 90's) used to be 97% of purity, And last decade I heard of same purity, but this bricks were not for US their final destiny was european market and they werent cut not because of that but because of how well the stamp in it was marked, vacuum bags were custom made with the brand of the brick how the strips of tape were used, it was very difficult for transporters to duplicate the brand stamp and packaging.

Just to point out some facts why most likely people who buys snow from an 8th (3.5g) and below dont even know what a 50% of purity snow is like. Dealers who buys by a brick would not sell less than Oz, and if he is a good dealer and would not cut it, he would not sell it for less than $800-$1000(L.A. market price) an oz to make it worth the risk, and you are talking of almost 36 transactions. Gram dealers buy an ounce and cut it at least to make 1.5 ounces, and there is even dealers who buys an 8th to sell $20's this usually end up at 20-25% of purity at the streets.

Other things to concider:
  • The purer, the consistency is not rock hard, as some has mentioned it is oilish, so without applying any heat to dry it it cant be grind to powder to be snored. Easiest way to make it usable is heating up a plate to 100c degrees and smash it with a spoon till it is real fine powder.
  • Lidocaine, Benzocain and all anesthetics that come in powder presentation take longer to feel the numbness than snow, even at 20% purity snow numbness can be felt almost instantly, if you were to taste the mentioned above they take above 30 seconds before you start to feel the numbness.
  • Snoring anesthetics used in snow feel spicy until numbness takes effect, it irritates, therefor users tend to use it in shorter periods of time to get rid of the pain that comes back and not because they stop feeling that the effect is gone, this becomes a necessity because of the irritation caused by cutting agents used, which ever they are.
  • Good snow wont make you paranoid, it should wake you up, more alertness, more focused. If it gets you paranoid its because of meths used to make it feel as a drug, otherwise you wont feel anything but pain and not an enjoyable trip in the sky.
If you want real pure snow (100% purity) then find a dealer who has double or triple washed snow. But its way more expensive but way less harmful, and no paranoid effect which most people are familiar to.

So if you want to know purity then get washed snow, and get familiar with it, and when you get regular snow then you would easily determined how good or bad it is, or buy atleast an ounce and google how to wash snow and do it yourself, but get ready for the truth, you most likely end up with 10-15g out of the 28g, but good shit though.

Mods, please remove if I violated any rules, I just went straight to give my opinion before reading the rules, I appologize if I did. None of what i mentioned is a secret that cant be found on the web.
Bruh you ain’t bullshittin when ya said that you’d lose some when washed 2-3 times just finished and repressed heated and dried almost as good as my first bump back in the day right on for the advice
Spoon...water...drop the Cocaine in...if when it dissolves looks like jus like clear str8 water then chances are u have quality...add a pinch of Arm n Hammer n apply heat until u begin to see it tryna boil then remove heat...if it looks like drops of oil in the water then ur Cocaine is of high quality...
Doesn't work. Sorry
I'm new to this forum, and appreciate what you guys are saying! Also new to the intricacies of cocaine. I've had my fair share years ago , and more often times than not, the blow was white, soft-ish or very gritty and brittle. Numbed the hell out of mouth and back of my throat, so, I assumed it was "good stuff". Plus, I was sweating bullets, talking a mile-a-minute, and God knows what else. Haven't touched it in a long time, only a couple of months ago have I been re-introduced to it. I was not aware the levamisole was also a base and has extremely similar biochemical properties as cocaine!! Yowzer. I'm looking at the snow I got tonight and I'm shaking my head bc it's white-white, very powdery, smooth going up the nostril, and gives a pretty decent high for about--oh-- 5 min. Anyone want to take a trip to SA??


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Sigh. Ok. Regarding the often repeated notion that coke is cut with speed or meth. The serum half life of cocaine is roughly 1.5 hrs. Rule of thumb is three passes. That makes 5.5 hrs total for the effect to be completely unnoticeable. Ok ?

Half life of methamphetamine is 12 to 24 hours. Three passes are one and a half days or more. Effective dose of meth is roughly 10 to 30 mg.

The short of it is that of you do half a dozen rails and 5 hours later you are sleeping no matter how fitfully. Your blow is NOT cut with meth. Most times there is no meth in your blow, ok? It doesnt make economic sense and it you put too much in folks dont sleep, you put too little in, no effect.

I know folks love their drug myths but myths are not as valuable as fact.

As for economic sense, why would any smuggler cut their gear BEFORE crossing a border? Why would anyone spend the money? Fact is that the blow was likely not cut with anything but sheep dewormer before it makes it through to the u.s,
Stop being scared and go to the source if you want the very best in quality and purity... Or go to the Fed's and get a Columbian cellmate like I did... Then you're plugged in...
I'm new to this forum, and appreciate what you guys are saying! Also new to the intricacies of cocaine. I've had my fair share years ago , and more often times than not, the blow was white, soft-ish or very gritty and brittle. Numbed the hell out of mouth and back of my throat, so, I assumed it was "good stuff". Plus, I was sweating bullets, talking a mile-a-minute, and God knows what else. Haven't touched it in a long time, only a couple of months ago have I been re-introduced to it. I was not aware the levamisole was also a base and has extremely similar biochemical properties as cocaine!! Yowzer. I'm looking at the snow I got tonight and I'm shaking my head bc it's white-white, very powdery, smooth going up the nostril, and gives a pretty decent high for about--oh-- 5 min. Anyone want to take a trip to SA??
You have to go get it if you want some good shit...
Sigh. Ok. Regarding the often repeated notion that coke is cut with speed or meth. The serum half life of cocaine is roughly 1.5 hrs. Rule of thumb is three passes. That makes 5.5 hrs total for the effect to be completely unnoticeable. Ok ?

Half life of methamphetamine is 12 to 24 hours. Three passes are one and a half days or more. Effective dose of meth is roughly 10 to 30 mg.

The short of it is that of you do half a dozen rails and 5 hours later you are sleeping no matter how fitfully. Your blow is NOT cut with meth. Most times there is no meth in your blow, ok? It doesnt make economic sense and it you put too much in folks dont sleep, you put too little in, no effect.

I know folks love their drug myths but myths are not as valuable as fact.

As for economic sense, why would any smuggler cut their gear BEFORE crossing a border? Why would anyone spend the money? Fact is that the blow was likely not cut with anything but sheep dewormer before it makes it through to the u.s,
I must agee with this assesment. There are much more economical solutions for dilution, such as additives that produce that same 'numbing' as cocaine does, and costs far less to cut in large quantities than it would something like meth or any other amphetamine...
Cutting dope before crossing the border just isn't very economical.

You have to go get it if you want some good shit...
I get what ya mean, but telling someone to go to the source might put someone in harms way. Based on experience, the community of people involved with coke and speed generally aren't t the most warm and welcoming kind of crowd.
I must agee with this assesment. There are much more economical solutions for dilution, such as additives that produce that same 'numbing' as cocaine does, and costs far less to cut in large quantities than it would something like meth or any other amphetamine...
Cutting dope before crossing the border just isn't very economical.

I get what ya mean, but telling someone to go to the source might put someone in harms way. Based on experience, the community of people involved with coke and speed generally aren't t the most warm and welcoming kind of crowd.
Where I'm from it's very popular to cut coke with speed(meth). However many dealers also cut with benzocaine which makes their product much more valuable.
All you cats are talking about snorting coke... I know a few people that do that... Me,I sell hard... There's waaaayyyy more money in that,so i would try to find the best i can and I would NOT STEP ON IT!!! The whole idea of being a drug dealer is to get rid of it as fast as I can... You cant do that if you have some shit that's been stepped on a million times!!!
Let's look at one more thing. No matter now fine you think your kind is, ldds are that it was made by someone with a fourth grade education, IN THE JUNGLE. Ok? There are few if any true chemists out there grinding out 90 percent pure and pressing it for the folks in Los estados Unidos. Why should they?
My recent experience after taking a 5 year break has been bad. Simple reagent tests can be helpful.

I test every batch with Marquis and 98% of the time it reacts to amphetamine not meth.

Lactose is also very common. You do a rail and a few minutes later your stomach is bubbling then you got a lot of lactose.

Having lived in Colombia for nearly a decade I can tell you that it is cut or poorly made before it is originally bricked.

Coke going to Europe usually doesn't get this treatment. The best coke outside of Colombia I had in Germany.

Today's coke is often adulterated on the dealer end with a research chemical referred to to as Hex.

A microscope and $30 worth of reagents can tell you a lot. I don't trust these purity tests. I've fooled them. I'm sure the coke manufacturer can.