What's The Craziest Homemade Bong You've Ever Made?

A bit more time to make due to drilling hole but it works fine


Atta boy. Way to recycle!
for awhile my buddy had a really nice pipe, fit .5 and hit really smoothly but he broke that, so we started making bongs. this one we made was simple, but probably one of the better DIY bongs around because its fully made of metal, therefore not breaking or squishing in transport. started with an old metal water bottle punched a hole for a stem, we found a metal stem, electrical tape to make it air tight, then used a half inch ratchet peice for a bowl, taping that as well to the stem. she's yet to be named but a little bit of water and you can take some of the biggest hits off her. i'll post more as i go about making them


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I always had a one hitter tube that could slide into a downstem on a basic bong, i started to not like takin hits from it nomore plus it was kinda weird to me, but I burned a few holes in a ozarka water bottle one by the bottom n one at the Top where it curves to the lidright where it starts, put theone hitter through the bottom hole n inhale through the top, u turn it sideways n smoke it, watch it bubble ,
Back in high school..

Me and a few friends took one of those blue water containers you bring camping (with the flippable white tap on it) took 50+ feet of 1/4" clear tubing, made a 4 person hookah.
But the thing was this, the piece we had was a good 2.5" in diameter, it was a drain insert that fit perfectly into it, held 4 grams and could be hit on its own (outside of the blue container).
To hit this thing (we called it "The Lord") you'd lay down on your back, someone else would light it you'd have the shotgun--thing hit like a champ; it hit like a Lord.

The 'Lord' was a bong of many uses. A Lord of its craft.

one was a simple green bottle, a snorkel tube, and a carburetor fitting.

one was monster cans with the ops and bottoms cut out stacked on eachother till it was almost 4ft high.

one was 5 gatorade bottles and lots of surgical tubing, ended up being a 6 perk and was all mounted on a 25lb weight.

god I miss being young and broke sometimes.