What's The Craziest Homemade Bong You've Ever Made?

i took three of the gigantic Gatorade bottles( their like a gallon or something) then i taped them all together in a circle and then put 1 in tubing coming in from the tops of 2 of the bottles into the back one teach with a valve to cut off air flow on each tube then i put a tube going form each of the front bottles into each other then i put a bowl and stem on each of the front bottles. then on the back one i made a perc and then put a 12oz bottle over it to another perc and then another 12oz with holes drilled all around the top(to hold ice) and then a tall gatorade bottle over that. it was fuckin huge!! you could plug one of the bowls and make it into a trip chamber or pack both of them and make the front two one giant chamber. it's fuckin impossible to hit it and then clear it in one breath i've had it for a month now and still cant do it.:bigjoint::bigjoint:bongsmilie
i made a steamroller out of a 24" maglite flashlite then used a 3/4" socket for my bowl with a sceen in it... we call it the veteran it has pilot wings on the side and rank badges on the tip its awesome i will never give it away or sell its the best hitting thing around it takes .75 grams to fill p the bowl and it burns forever
alright get this, I smoked my first bowl yesterday and i used a 5 chamber bong i made out of a 2 liter bottle and 4 other small pepsi bottles like in the 8 packs. well we have icey ass snow here so i filled the bongs with ice and the two liter with water. put it together so that it would be cold as hell and i tried a bowl. it was like sucking in vapor that tickled your throat. i used some raspberry flavoring and it was the greatest thing ever dude. ill make a diagram of it if u want me too
This happened waaaay back in my early stoney days.

Me and a friend liked to make pipes, bongs, etc. So we purchased a new 2 gallon gasoline can from the hardware store. We also purchased 2 rubber stoppers, copper and plastic tubing, and misc copper fittings.

Out of this we constructed a 4 hose water pipe! When one guy was taking a hit, the others would have to hold their thumbs over the end of their hose so you would be able to draw a hit. It was wild! The sides of the metal gas tank would be getting squished in as you took a toke. Then right near the end of your toke, the others would release their thumb off the end of the hoses. This would cause an enormous "shot-gun" effect as air got drawn into the gas tank! You could get really baked.

The funniest part was when some dude came over that we did not know that well, and thought that there was actually gasoline in our water pipe!

"Man, you dudes are fuckin' nuts."

Makes me laugh to this day.
(dont want to read all 11 pages so if someone else has done this too and posted it my bad)

Kk so friend of mine phoned me up one time and asked for some "fish bubble maker tubing" so I brought some over and what he had was this huge water jug the kind they have at offices and a funnel on top and about 1/2 full of water so we rigged it up and what you did is take toke after toke after toke until the whole thing is full (you dont get much smoke in your lungs) then you take out the funnel and almost hyperventilate on the smoke inside it hit you like a brick wall :P
I've done two-story bongs and steamrollers, but I think the best one I've done was a triple-chambered piece. It had two bowls that forked, like a snake tongue, off from a homemade ashcatcher made out of a pill bottle. You had to pack and light both bowls in order to get these thick, milky hits. Then it had one of those spherical soda bottles that you can buy at Walmart, made into a bubbler, that we usually just packed with crushed ice. And that attached to a glass zong with a diffused downstem. It took serious effort to hit it, especially after we sealed it all tight. Once we finally deconstructed the beast, we used the spherical bottle as an attachment for our vaporizer. Just plug the hose-end into the old ashcatcher's spot, fill it with ice, and enjoy that nice, cool hit.
I made a perculator out of 2 water bottles and a spice jar. I sealed it up with gorilla glue its never leaked and its airtight. I also made a ash catcher out of a pen and a spice jar. For the bowl I used a aircompresser disconect. Hits so good
003.JPG001.JPG002.JPG005.JPG004.JPG.. Well this would be mine.. it has 2 bowl parts.. i used socket rench peices for them.. it has 2 pull pipes... pen cylinders and sttretchy rubber tubbing..i made this bong when i was rlly high.. the 2 bottles also unscrew.. cuz in between is the 2 caps taped 2gether.. so they unscrew because the botton bottle is also a bong..for a single person... and u just strap on the top 1 for 2 people hitting it.. its a very strong hitting bong.. practitcly impossibull 2 clear the first hit with 2 people..... U light this bong by litting the botton bowl and pulling rlly hard till the bottom bottle is just about almost full. because all the smoke will stay trapped in there till it fills up completly.. then u light the top bowl.. once the top bottle is full.. let go of the carb hole and pull in with ur whole body and get the craziest hit ever


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My friends and i have made many bongs. we made one out of 5 pringle cans. we cut out the bottoms of 4 of the cans and then duct taped them together and put a slider in the bottom. we made a waterfall bong with a milk carton. then we made a regular gravity bong with a 2-liter bottle. we use apples all the time. we made a percolator bong from two 2-liter bottles and a medicine bottle.

To make the percolator:

prescription Medicine bottle, 2x 2-liter plastic bottles, bic pen, duct tape(electrical tape, glue, etc.), scissors/knife.

1.)take the cap of one of the bottles then make a hole in it big enough to fit a bic pen tube into it.
2.) then make it air tight. you can use duct tape glue electrical tape etc. then take the cap and put it back on one of the bottles. then with duct tape you wrap a small amount around the cap on the bottle. keep wrapping it until the medicine bottle will fit around it snuggly.
3.) cut the bottom off of the other bottle.
4.) put it on top of the medicine bottle and the 2-liter bottle snuggly.
5.) wrap with duct tape to seal it.
6.) put a hole for the slider in the bottom bottle.
7.) fill with water then smoke.
DSCN2155.jpg With 2, 20 fl oz. gatorade bottles and some tubing I made a 4 arm Tree Percolator. I put one of the bottles aside for later and put four holes in the cap of the other bottle. i got 3/8 inch tubing (from a hardware store) to be inserted into each hole in the cap. I put tubing in one hole and cut the tubing to the right length so that it could be bent over the cap and go below the safety seal without kinking (tubing with a thinner diameter doesn't kink as easily but it requires a lot more holes and tubing), I did this for each hole. after all the tubing was cut i put hot glue all over the top of the cap to seal the holes and the tubing. then i bent the tubing over the cap and hot glued it down so that the tubing wouldn't kink. after the hot glue was dry i cut small holes around the end of the tubes to create more bubbles to cool the smoke and for it to clear faster. with a knife i cut a circular hole big enough for a 3/4" tubing to be used as a female slider(My glass male slider is the perfect width for this tubing with the o ring on it), before i sealed it i cut small holes all around the bottom of the tube that is going in the water. then with the other bottle i hade i cut the bottom off as low as i could and placed it over the tubing, the cap and the other bottle. using clear RTV silicone i sealed the top bottle to the bottom bottle and sealed the female slide piece into the bottom bottle (hot glue could be used for bottles that have thicker plastic so that the heat doesn't melt the bottle. . I let the silicone dry for the recommended 24 hours without the cap on the top bottle. i then filled it with water, grabbed the glass slide piece from my glass bong, packed it and started to smoke.

that is just one of many that i have made. I make bongs out of everything, from a sleep apnea gas mask i found at good will for a buck (Middle of picture^), or make a stree percolator with 2 pill bottles, or 3 bongs that you could hook up together to smoke as one giant bong. as soon as i get more hot glue sticks i will be making a 8 or 9 chamber tree percolator. it will be the second one i've made, the first one didn't work out so well.

2 weeks ago, i was in a bong-off between me and my one friend. the challenge was to make a bong that can create a tornado of smoke inside of it . i won, but all it did was make the smoke circle inside the water bottle, i wanted an actual tornado so i fixed it and now it's working a lot better. I used two voss bottles and some tubing. the water chamber connects to the tornado chamber with tubing that goes straight into a cone on the bottom that makes the tornado.
A bit more time to make due to drilling hole but it works fine

A 5 gallon bucket, with a three liter Shasta soda bottle.
Biggest gravity bong ever.:eyesmoke:

uh my son and his friends come over to my house and use the 5 gallon water bottle and bathtube for bong hits.............and Im sure there are bigger LOL never say biggest or best LOL
