What's The Craziest Homemade Bong You've Ever Made?

i once made one with a water bottle and a pen cap. i burnt a hole in the water bottle and while the plastic was still hot i pushed the cap in and it made an airtight seal. then i just loaded it and smoked. but the only problem is that u could only smoke a little amount at a time because the cap would melt but it is great for 1-2 people
you can make a sick bong which is pretty easy to make. get a water bottle, size is up to you, and poke a plus sign where you want to put the downstem. then get a doorstop (the ones that look like a spring) and take that off the wall and push that in. then get some foil and poke holes in it using a tack or whatever you choose. make that your screen and put that into the bigger opening of the spring. then on the otherside, find a comfortable spot and poke a hole in with a pen, and that's your carb. then just pack and smoke. it gets the job done fasho!
i made a cillum out of an axe bullet its so sick and i made a bong out of a kool-aid contaner u kno the thing the stuff the powder comes in
i once made a 4 foot 4 hookah out of one of those crazy lamp that has the little fish and the bubbles in it, a cd by "Hanson" of all bands, and a piece of pvc pipe... only used it once :(
i made a cillum out of an axe bullet its so sick and i made a bong out of a kool-aid contaner u kno the thing the stuff the powder comes in

i just finished making the kool-aid bong better it now is made of 3 containers and taking apart pens connecting them with a slid made of socket rench pieces making a three chamber bong bongsmilie
I made a double bubbler with two dasani bottles, black hose, hot clue and a chellum for bowl... pretty sweet i'll take a pic. too bad i'm dry...:sad:
It was more like a bubbler that me and my friend made..we took 2 waterbottles and hot glued them together but they were connected through holes in the middle and we filled one of them up with alittle bit of water and made the bowl pack in the top of the bottle and the other top of the bottle we used it as the hit spot..it ripped and it was a crazy creation haha
well i took a couple rips off my vapezilla last night and decided i would make another "flow" (waerfall boong). i have been making glass ones for the past couple of weeks using a glss drill bit and making hole at the bottom of the bottle to allow for suction. The bowl was a glass tem pressed through the plastic top of the bottle. this flow is an excelent design, i wish i could trademark it even. Its glass on glass, usea Large Voss Norwegian water bottle, screw hole in bottom, screw hole in top and press stem of bowl through. pack product, fill with water, light, and inhale once chamber is full.
I was actually making one last night and pressed the drill too hard agrainst teh glass, shoved my hand down on the shard of glass, cut an artery and went to the er, now im on hydros. stoned out of my mind the whole time because of the vapezilla.. the irony of it all...
I MaDE A BONG out Of a Five O Clock Vodka Bottle "Hood Bong" To the fullest Everybody Smokes Swishers Around here I only really get to Smoke Out of a bong By Myself or with a small circle of the true smokers I know meaning only 2 people. The locals say bongs are for geeks I have Really "Smart" Residents around my way
1.5 litre bottle curving on to a 0.5 dl bottle..... Was sick !

Had a little problems making a bowl ^^ making it airproof....
i took a 1 liter tonic water bottle and bic pen. i got then ink part out of the pen so it was just a shell, then i melted a small hole in the cap and stuck part of the pen in it so it made a bowl pack, put a peace of the stereo speaker case thing in the cap for a screen. then i melted the pen through the bottle, and inhaled out of the top. it was pretty ghetto but it worked pimp as hell.
A friend and I once made a bong from a pear, a 4" piece of aluminum arrow, and a 3/8" shallow socket. Worked like a champ!
craziest bong ive ever made is one made from those giant water bottles you get on top of water coolers in offices.
i took 3 flexi-fit braided hoses and 3 valves attached to the end of each hose. the valves were then attached to the bottle about 3/4 of the way up, spaced apart then when secure the hoses were screwed onto the valves.
I then took a funnel attached a rubber hose to it and put that into the neck of the bottle and a small circular peice of metal with tiny holes in it went inside the funnel to create the bowl.
Removed the funnel fillled a 1/3 with water placed the funnel back and had basically a shisha bong with 3 hoses that could be sealed if not in use. Works a treat!!!!!

Heres my homemade made our of clear pvc w/ and a/c and the new socket bowl
ok. so i had like 6 friends come over and we filled my bathtub up half way and we had 22 socket things like 3/8 inch. i covered the whole bathtub with multiple layers of plastic wrap and put 2 tubes thru it, one on each side o the bathtub, one went into the water and the other one i used to suck thru as we lit each bit. everytime wed finish buring one bit completely wed replace is with one of the other 21 sockets. after we were done it was like mile inside my bath tub and my bathtub room is sam ll so we closed the doors and sealed the room and hotboxed the whole thing by just taking the cover off the tub. we sat in there for like 25 mins with the hotbox going and passing around 2 tight-ass J's. thats the craziest one iver ever made.
.i say that to women giving me :hump: head

Water fall bong- 2L pop bottle use the lid of iit and put a hole in it at then screw it back on and fill the bottle with water and then fill you bowl with your bud and then poke a hole in the bottom and let the water drain out but spark your bud befor you let the water out and thne it gets you fucked ( i recomened useing it over a bucket or a sink or tub or some where you wouldent want to get wet) :bigjoint::leaf:

or Parachute- 2L pop bottle cut around the middle to the bottom get a bread bag ( they dont have holes unliike grocery bags and all thos kinds )and tape the opened part of the bag to the bottle and then blow the bottle up and tape some rope( i used a shoe lace) as a foot puller thing and the bottle will fill up unscrew the top and take that shit it gets you recked:bigjoint::leaf:
oh boy, there are a lot of bongs i've made, i find that plastic hits a little better than glass, but the feeling of holding a nice glass bong and showing it off to your friends, theres nothing better. i use a glass drill bit that i stole from ace hardware to do all my glass ones. if you dont feel like stealing, its only around 8-10 bucks. also i find metal slurpee straws from 7/11 can be great slides (only $1). Here are some pics of my better works...


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