What's The Craziest Homemade Bong You've Ever Made?

steamroller i made at work one day....


I made this other one that was a terrible idea. I took one of those small gas masks that you often see at headshops hooked to bongs. I had hooked one up to a bong long before I ever saw it in a headshop and Im convinced they stole my idea, but thats besides the point. The mini-plastic bong I have turns into a steam roller if you take off the bottom plug. I plugged the top into the gas mask, took off the bottom plug and strapped one of those turbocharger looking air mattress pumps into the bottom. BAD IDEA. It popped my ears and the pressure killed my head, my nose ears eyes burned etc. I did however get EXTREMELEY BAKED. I dont reccomend it though, it was kinda painful.

damn man At least u got backed though!!
This was my first attempt in making a bong
I call it the Gatorbong, made from a gatorade bottle and pens

and yes I cleared that up.


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This was my first attempt in making a bong
I call it the Gatorbong, made from a gatorade bottle and pens

and yes I cleared that up.

thats hella funny! me and my buddy made a bong out of a 32 oz gatorade and called it the Fader-aid!

also made a grav-bong with one of those water jugs from water coolers and a plastic garbage can, that thing was wicked!
I've smoked out of socket wrench attachments (weird as fuck), cans (who hasn't?), my friend carved out a 3 inch piece of cylinder shaped wood. Another friend made a pipe out of a air compressor head (it's actually a really good pipe).

All sorts of shit.
Dejablue bottle with a plastic pen tube thingy and some foil. IT actually worked out just fine. hah!
i made a bongout of 2 coca cola bottles with 3 tubes joining them together air tight and a proper tube gauze thing awt a bong n waked dat in n then put lucozade bottle top to use to smoke through
I got one of those 2 foot tall margarita bottles(the plastic ones) It has an hourglass shape so I put my stem and bowl into the bottom, putting the carb just above the waterline. I see the smoke as I hit that thing. and damn does it ever hit! pics will soon follow..
Gravity Bong

Gravity Bong

[SIZE=+2]Okay... we got many e-mails about gravity bongs, and many different and bizarre design. We settled on two. The first #1 design being the standard "Gravity Bong." We made it simple but it can be modified in many ways. One potential approach is to put an additional hole in it for either the bowl, or as a place to smoke through. Some add complications you may not wish to undertake. But basically this one works with the least problems maintaining proper suction! Thanks to all who sent e-mails. We printed them out, did tests (which is why the updates were late) and here are our results![/SIZE]

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click here or on image for larger images!

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    [*]A 1 Liter Soda bottle.
    [*]A Knife or razor
    [*]A bowl and stem
    [*]Clear silicone caulk or chewing gum (for the unprepared).
    [*]A drill with a drill bit a little wider than the stem. (you can use a knife, but the seal may not be great. A proper seal is key to this design!
[SIZE=+2] [/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]Cut the Soda Bottle in half. Fit the Bottom end inside the top half. Take the cap and drill a hole in the top. Fit the stem through the cap and seal in place with caulk or chewing gum. Screw cap back into bottle.

This bong works on suction not gravity. But if you haven't been going to classes much you might not know that! Start by compressing the two halves of the bottle together. Then load the bowl. NOTE: If you load the bowl during the compression stage the pot will fly out!!!! Light the dope and pull the two halves apart. This will cause the bottle to fill. NOW... remove the cap, put your mouth over the mouth of the bottle and compress (slide) the halves together. This should force a good amount of smoke into your lungs causing you to pass out on the floor of your dorm.
i have made this bong/ hookah

1 2liter pop bottle
1 straw
2 cans of pop
medical bandage tube
toilet paper roll

1. so i took medical badage tube broke off the top so its a small tube and platformand put the protective covering on so its a small tube and big bowl.
2. tape a toilet paper roll to the bowl
3. cut open the pop can and roll it in a tubeand tape it to the toilet roll.
4.cut popbottle open at bottom and top
5.insert put the rube into the bottom
7.ad strw to top hole and tape
8 cut out a circleout of a pop canput it at bottom of bowl and poke holes in it
9.cut out a strip of metal from anothe pop can and form it into a circle
10 if it doesnt fit put spacers betwen outer rim and pop strip
and yor done
i've made a lot of different smoking utensils when i was younger and the most important thing i learned is: FOIL SUCKS, buy a pack of screens for a couple bucks at your smokeshop
OK, I think I can top this lot - four half litre mini bongs, linked in series for quadruple filtration, all sat in a 5 litre bottle full of ice cubes for cooling. It was a BEAST! Took some wild lung power to hit, but it was worth it
i have never had or used one,,but after all the hoopla I see here about bongs,,I think I owe it to myself to get one of these gadgets as I hear the buzz is very good ,,I will get one ASAP and show it here immediately

Keep on Growin
