What's The Craziest Homemade Bong You've Ever Made?

2 liter soda bottle
Lipton Green Tea bottle (Filled with ice)
Gatorade bottle (pre-cooler)
Aqua pod bottle (ash catcher)

My parents were gone for about a week and i got bored. It was a nice piece.
ice water bathtub potato gravity bong man. craziest hits i ever took. the potato was borrowed from a non smoking neighbor. used a gallon milk jug for the actual container. don't think i've been that high since :)
haha thats some juvnille shit. all of it water bottles come on!!! a bubbler outta a cheezz ums barrel and some metal tubeing. the best bowls for home made pieces are rachet heads or door stops those springy things. put a sharpie in any bottle then the door stop just slides in. whala u got a slider
double triple even quad chamber bongs are what u guys need to be makin. biggest hit u will ever take
My best homemade bong was a 12oz big mouth micky bottle. It was almost spill proof too, rubber cork on top with two holes. One hole with pull bowl and the other had a tube sticking up.

I also has a mouth/nose gask mask i would occasionally hook to it. Strap it on and stright hit after hit. I don't think the mask was such a safe idea but it worked.
my shower head was metal with elbows and looked like a crack pipe. so my friend and i smoked out of it. once. it tasted like stale water and calcium.
gas mask with a tube and a bowl...cover the end with your
hand like a steam roller...its brutal.

Not a bong, but good DIY idea.
one time I took a small mason jar and and some surgical tubing and a 3/4" socket and made a bong out of all that. We called it the "Nad" short for Grenade. It would hit f*cking hard.Hence the name. Just used a drill for the surgical tubing and the bowl...I think that I used a piece of small diameter ready rod and two nuts to hold it to the lid.high temp silicone stuff to seal everything up.Wish I still had it, it was awesome. Thats the craziest bong I ever made..bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
wow i was expecting some better/crazier ideas. Where i live for gravity bongs are real commen and like everyone had what we called a gb piece which was just a little socket wrench through like a deer park bottle cap and you could just carry it and find a bottel and make waterfalls. But one night i had the idea to tape pen tubeing to the socket wrench on the side that went into the water and when you did a water fall like the vortex gravity bong it would bubble as it when up smoothing the whole thing. Like you would pull the most crucial hit and be like shit that is like so dark yellow smoke its going to suck, but then you just inhale and you felt like you got jipped because it wasnt nearly as crucial as it looked. But anywho i remeber hitting one then going to class and i was in orchestra and the bridge of my violin fell off and my teacher was fixing it. Oh also it had a 16mm socket wrench bowl with some really dank jack herer i got from my friend. But this all happend like with in a minute of me smokeing the fall so my teacher is fixing it and asking me all these wierd fucking questions as the high was comeing on but i thought it was funny becasue it was like a count down like i walked in sober and finally when he was done i walked away from him BAKED. Also i made a double chamber bong out of one bottle once by haveing it like normal bottle bongs but instead i cut of the cone part of another water bottleand cut a bottle in half and glued it in the middle. Then the pen tube goes in the bottem chamber you ahve made with the bowl. Then you get another cone piece of bottle and rest it on top of the first one you put in with the cap on but the bottom ones off. This is confuseing but bare wiht me. Then you glue the whole bottle togther agian and pour water in the top cahmber you ahve made but not enough it goes down the cone part of a bottle down into the bottom chamber. So the second chamber bubbles from all around the cone piece like a ring of bubbles of smoke already cooled from the chamber benieth. But anyways that is my 2 cents.
also have you seen those new environmentally better water bottles wiht the less plastic? Guess what my first thoughts were on the shape of those
I didn't want to read all 5 pages, so if anyone has had the same idea I'm sorry.

I haven't actually made it yet, but in the very near future I'm going to make a bong out of a small gas can.
Back in the day crunk rappers drank their "crunk juice" out of gas cans, so I want to smoke dank out of one.
I figure one or two downstems put in the side of gas can and you can suck smoke out of the part the gas comes out of.
It shouldn't be too hard.
Lets see i made a small one I got this cool funky looking sprayer bottle thats like aswesome the Stem is made from a trumpet piece...pretty kool.and thats it...LOL!
Ha HA i used to play Trumpet in middle school so i had an old trumpet lieing around

Duct Tape
2L Pop bottle
NoN-Bendy Straw (the think ones from burger king u get with shakes work best)
old trumpet mouthpiece
Your Finest Bud
1o mins and creativity

first you put the straw in or around the bottom of your trumpet mouth piece and where they meet put tape to make it air tight

seccond cut a hole in the pop bottle under the lable, again put tape over hole and put a slit in it (the slit is to make it air tight as possible when using the mouthpice like the thing in a bong)

3rd put water in the "pop bong" and bud in the mouthpiece, use it just like you would a bong

4th light up and enjoy

It hits like a bong and tastes great I loved it rose budded nice

Try it i love using odd gadgets i make to smoke weed!
craziest one i've ever rigged was a stealthy. made it form a yakult bottle - if you don't know what it is it's a tiny little health drink bottle about 2" high, maybe 50mL. I think I used a proper stem. Worked ok... if you don't like eyebrows %)
i made a bowl out of a .50 cal full metel jacket dummie round
also did one with a mini jack daniels bottle.
im about to be getting a 4 foot water tube light that i will be turning into a huge electric water bong
me and my cousin made one out of an air matress pump hose.
1. take hose of pump.
2. get the biggest hitter:joint:
3. have one hold the piece in one end making sure that there is only one way out:joint:
4. hit it:joint:
5. pass it around
get a wrench socket stick a pen in the bottom. tape it up so its air tight.

get ne bottle burn a whole so the stem fights in perfectly itmust be air tight. burn a whole at the top for a choke. fill er up with water and hear the bubbles:)

u dont even have to put foil in the socket it will be fine.