lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you cook your turds???
Reminds me of that episode of jackass where johnny knoxville goes into a chinese restaurant with dog shit wrapped in a newspaper. When they bring out the food he drops a few pieces of the dog shit on the food and starts freaking out at the waiter going wtf is this?
Apparently you haven't seen that one south park episode..how the hell did that other guy possibly haul around a 4 pound dump?
The largest weight difference I actually recorded after a dump was just a little over 900 grams...i never actually measured a dump, but if i feel like i'm brewin' a big one, i'll weigh myself before and after. biggest weight difference was just under 1 1/2 pounds. how the hell did that other guy possibly haul around a 4 pound dump?
I don't know mate... I'd stick with who you are... Women get a little disgusting at times...Now, again, why did I want to be straight?