What's the weather where you are???


Pickle Queen
Seriously? Not F ? I've never been in that cold. I think -18C in the UK a few years ago. Sounds like Russia over there !
Oh im serious! Ur nostril hairs freeze as u breath..last yr winter lasted 6 months..but we get just as warm summers..2 seasons here..fucking cold and fucking hot.


Well-Known Member
Yeah..made it up to -5 f today !! Winchills -20 !!
No work now,already getting cabin fever.. Like April above said"fucking cold or fucking hot" add in fucking humid and that's me too!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
^^^^^^You won. Can you guess exactly where in sk? I mean 52 degrees almost gives it away.
Woot, he's inviting us in for a party guys :) We just need to triangulate him :) snow mo's ready, set.....

I'm at 33 and I'm not leaving considering how damn cold it is... oh and neo I wish you lived by me. I'd hire you in a NY minute.