Well-Known Member
if you think that scary ....try having your hydo shop wedged literally between, District Court, FD, gunshop and not to mention there is a headshop on the other side of call me paranoid but yea EVERYTIME i go to the hydro shop, i watch the cars in the parking lot, watch for people just standing around. and when i leave the shop i always look behind me to see if anyone is following me and i never take the same route back home... i dont play with pigs...
alos one time 2 cop cars were parked facing each other talking to each other in the hydro shops parking lot, its not just the shop there its a mall strip, and i turned into the parking lot like FUCK. so i got out the car casually and went inside the chinese store right next to the hydro shop and ate and waited.. i was hoping they would leave by the time i was done eating but they wasnt so i just got back into my car and left. lol
I worried alot and still do going to the shop but, Even though i may be the only one in there at the moment there are WAY MORE than we know of using the shops. Some legit, but most for purposes such as ours. I think the cops are hip to what goes on. I've also talked to retired cops who don't give a fuck and think it's hypocritical for smokers to be arrested. matter of fact ... on tuesday i saw my retired cop friend and he asked how my 4/20 was in a completely sincere manner. fuckin funny
Fuck Cape May and Wildwood. ..... got busted ( rightly so) but the cops in those towns are PRAYING for you step out of line. REVENUE!!!!!!!Congrats Cape May for being voted the number 2 beach in the country