What's Up Jersey Growers?

wow. call me paranoid but yea EVERYTIME i go to the hydro shop, i watch the cars in the parking lot, watch for people just standing around. and when i leave the shop i always look behind me to see if anyone is following me and i never take the same route back home... i dont play with pigs...
alos one time 2 cop cars were parked facing each other talking to each other in the hydro shops parking lot, its not just the shop there its a mall strip, and i turned into the parking lot like FUCK. so i got out the car casually and went inside the chinese store right next to the hydro shop and ate and waited.. i was hoping they would leave by the time i was done eating but they wasnt so i just got back into my car and left. lol

hey, i may call you paranoid, but do you know what else i call you as well?? a free man... i do the same as you.. pull into the parking lot, scope out what is going on before i get out of my car, and will get out of my car and finish my smoke before i go inside as well.. just want to make sure that there are no unfriendly's around.. and of course on the way home, i'm always in the rear view making sure no one is following me as well.. i also like to take someone else's car when i've got the chance to...
Congrats Cape May for being voted the number 2 beach in the country

That's a little hard to believe. I can think of 5 beaches off the top of my head that kicks any jersey beach's ass. I remember my first trip to a jersey beach some chicks in lawn chairs tried to charge me 5 bucks. I laughed the whole time I walked pass them. Just give it time and mtv will fuck it up like they did sea side heights
That's a little hard to believe. I can think of 5 beaches off the top of my head that kicks any jersey beach's ass. I remember my first trip to a jersey beach some chicks in lawn chairs tried to charge me 5 bucks. I laughed the whole time I walked pass them. Just give it time and mtv will fuck it up like they did sea side heights

seaside has always been fucked up, and who considers that a jersey beach is beyond me...
Cape May is really Beautiful but the best beach in New Jersey is Point Pleasant Beach.

Some of the whitest sand ( almost Caribbean like ) and some of the BEST fishing i have ever done was in Point Pleasant Beach.

Seriously, I would love to get married to my fiancé on Point Pleasant Beach if i had the funds .
where is point pleasant beach at worm?? i'm taking it's a lil more north of say cape may, but honestly every beach would be, lol.. but i'm not sure where point pleasant is at though.. i'm kinda thinking a lil above lbi??
Point Pleasant is Just North of Seaside Heights and speaking of LBI, They also have some of the best fishing boats I've ever been on.

You ever smoke a Joint/Blunt @ night, while fishing?? It's the bees knees man ... lol .. but seriously, it's highly enjoyable.


where is point pleasant beach at worm?? i'm taking it's a lil more north of say cape may, but honestly every beach would be, lol.. but i'm not sure where point pleasant is at though.. i'm kinda thinking a lil above lbi??
Point Pleasant is Just North of Seaside Heights and speaking of LBI, They also have some of the best fishing boats I've ever been on.

You ever smoke a Joint/Blunt @ night, while fishing?? It's the bees knees man ... lol .. but seriously, it's highly enjoyable.


lol, no wonder why i've never heard of it, anything much more north of say lbi, and it may as well be in another state completely.. i don't know shit about north jersey, and don't care to either to be honest.. no offense to our northern brothers of course, just too much of mtv's jersey shore has tainted my opinion some what.. i can stand all of those people on that show who like to think of nj as new york light.. i consider myself more of a philly boy really than i do a jersey boy, as i spent a lot of my youth in 20's in the city of brotherly love, and don't think i have much in common with the situation and the rest of those ny light crew..
jersey shore does not represent north jersey. not even close. only thing we have in common is we go to the wildwood or seaside to fuck. i did go to high school with italians, but they was more dominicans and blacks than any other race.

mtv just found a catchy thing to cling on to, italians in jersey mixed with liquor and club music lol. and its worked them dudes got aniother season on the way.
I have one sentence for this paragraph. Maybe two :lol:

Mother fucking right.. I feel the same way bro. I would love to beat the shit out of "Situation" with a Black iron pipe in his legs till the bone is exposed and he cries

Did you see how bad he Bombed on The Roast?? Dude..... It....Was....Baaaaad.
REAL BAD.. You gotta see it to believe how bad he did..

lol, no wonder why i've never heard of it, anything much more north of say lbi, and it may as well be in another state completely.. i don't know shit about north jersey, and don't care to either to be honest.. no offense to our northern brothers of course, just too much of mtv's jersey shore has tainted my opinion some what.. i can stand all of those people on that show who like to think of nj as new york light.. i consider myself more of a philly boy really than i do a jersey boy, as i spent a lot of my youth in 20's in the city of brotherly love, and don't think i have much in common with the situation and the rest of those ny light crew..
jersey shore does not represent north jersey. not even close. only thing we have in common is we go to the wildwood or seaside to fuck. i did go to high school with italians, but they was more dominicans and blacks than any other race.

mtv just found a catchy thing to cling on to, italians in jersey mixed with liquor and club music lol. and its worked them dudes got aniother season on the way.

yah, i know i'm being a complete ass, and i should know much better matatan, i'm sure that there are a lot of really nice places in n jersey, and not just the soprano's and jersey shore shit i see on tv.. fuck, i know that there is ton's of money in some parts of n jersey, i see where the dude from run dmc lives at, lol.. but seriously though, i forget the county, but i do know that up in northern jersey its one of the highest number of million dollar homes per mile or what ever it is..
and i'm sure that there are some parts of n jersey that are more of the woodsy type of area's that i prefer too.. i know that over by the jersey / pennsy border and the delaware water gap, its beautiful up there..
don't take my comments as being serious, i like to joke around a lot.. i kid, i kid.. i'm sure that n jersey gets shit on by tv, and my being from the state, i more than anyone, should realize this and not be one of the asshats that takes things i see on tv for real..
I have one sentence for this paragraph. Maybe two :lol:

Mother fucking right.. I feel the same way bro. I would love to beat the shit out of "Situation" with a Black iron pipe in his legs till the bone is exposed and he cries

Did you see how bad he Bombed on The Roast?? Dude..... It....Was....Baaaaad.
REAL BAD.. You gotta see it to believe how bad he did..

i didn't see it, but i heard all of the "highlights" on the stern show right after it happened.. and tbg, what do people expect, dude is no comedian, he's some ex model that lucked out and got a hot show on mtv, nothing more, nothing less.. it takes a really talented person like lisa lampanelly or gilbert grodfry to kill on roasts.. its not only about the jokes, but their is tons of timing involved in being a comedian...
the thing is, i'm sure that the situation didn't actually write any of his own material for the roast, and he still couldn't even get the timing down for someone else's work.. but like i said, its not easy doing that kind of work.. not that i'm saying that i think the sit is a tool, of course he is, lol...
Racer,,, Trust me when i tell you, There is NO WAY in hell anyone wrote those jokes for him.. That's how BAD they were.. :lol:
Racer,,, Trust me when i tell you, There is NO WAY in hell anyone wrote those jokes for him.. That's how BAD they were.. :lol:

but even still, i don't know what people expected of the dude, not that i'm standing up for him, but you kinda knew that he was going to fall on his face when he stood up, didn't you?? lol..

i've seen professional comedians bomb at roasts.. its definitely a talent that not manner have.. you have to walk a very thin line of being cruel, yet funny..
100% agree with you on that.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they Invited his dumb-ass just so they could watch his ass BOMB.. Thats like getting a Trophy, having him humiliate himself on a National televised show as popular as The Roast.

He got setup for failure and it was fucking EPIC!!!

but even still, i don't know what people expected of the dude, not that i'm standing up for him, but you kinda knew that he was going to fall on his face when he stood up, didn't you?? lol..

i've seen professional comedians bomb at roasts.. its definitely a talent that not manner have.. you have to walk a very thin line of being cruel, yet funny..
it was incredible how bad he did... i almost felt bad for him, ALMOST lol.
racer its all good man. there are ghettos, woodsy and suburbs in n jersey, a bit of everything, rev run lives in upper saddle river off of route 17. thats bergen county really nice areas there and sussex county. passaic county is city type/ghetto.