Whats up with this plant? lol I think its overheating..

2013-11-21 13.29.57.jpg

The one on the right, has a fan blowing on it, and the light's about 18 inches or so away. Its curling still lol What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
What kind of lights do have? what is your soil? Do you ph your water? Etc... give a little more info and you will get better answers. Nice big plants though!
I havent fertilized in a few days, and roughly 4 days before that before switching them into flower. I usually just plain water for first week of 12/12. Veg ferts was only Fish Emulsion, no big. HPS 400 light, organic soil


Well-Known Member
Shitty picture under the CFL but I would guess too hot, too dry, and too much wind on it.

It's transpiring more water than it can take in is what it looks like to me. Does it recover somewhat during the dark/cooler period? If so, I'd be pretty sure of my guess.
No, it stays the same in the dark period. It's under and hps not cfl, the soil was a bit dry so I watered it., I'll keep an eye on it and see if anything changes
Haha its cool man. Ill just keep an eye on it, the rest of the plant is really healthy, just the top was curling up for se reason.

The soil was really dry so I gave it a bit of water. That should help it. I'm gunna look at it tomight in its dark cycle a few hours in see if it changes tonight.


Active Member
Agree with AimAim, what's the room temp & humidity? Try blowing the fan between canopy and light, just keep her off top section of plant. What size pot is she in, does she have a healthy root system. She's a nice big plant so good luck with her.
I'd say it's a #8 pot, whatever that means. Prolly 3 gallon pot at leaste. Also, room temp is average 68-75, Its vented. I didn't think the fan could be blowing too much but I guess if it's going all the time it could. Very healthy root system, the plant is a beast, as I said only the top is showing this. Everything else on her is gorgeous. I've toned down the fan and going to make it not directly on. I'm sure she'll fix up soon enough :)


Well-Known Member
It ain't the wind.I'm doing an experiment with high winds.
I don't know for sure what the problem is,but it looks a lot like the over/under watering picture in growery diagnosis.
Giving an update to this, well I made the fan not blow directly on it, it's not over watering/underwatering and I'm very careful and give good amount of tender loving care when it comes to that, besides a little underwatering won't hurt it. Less is sometimes more. The most logical answer on this thread is that the wind was drying out the leaves, making them not absorb and hold the water. The curling I believe was caused from overheating but not to a severe degree, just because the wind was making the water allocation off. I've watched it for a day and now the leaves are opening back up.

Now it's funny cause I noticed that when the soil was sopping wet ~1.5 inches deep the wind did not affect the leaves to curl. It was only when the water was drying out of the pot too fast and it just prolly ran out of water up top, and was beginning tmo overheat. Just my analysis and observations and 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Good possibility you are getting root bound. Are you growing in plastic pots or air pots? Those are nice sized plants and you are at end of veg, just sayin I've seen leaf tips curl like that when root bound. A good flush will make them feel a bit better, but you may need to transplant to a larger pot.
Don't have temp gauge to show what the humidity is at. Will get one soon. and Bubba, thats a good idea too. they are about 3 gallon pots. PERHAPS my Super lemon haze has outgrown the pot. They are plastic. I've seen 'trees' bigger than this in the same size pot and no probs tho. Man. If only weed could talk...


just remember 25-45% humidity only for flowering depending on your exhaust if you get new air in if not the water could create mold by the time she is done if there is no exhaust