Giving an update to this, well I made the fan not blow directly on it, it's not over watering/underwatering and I'm very careful and give good amount of tender loving care when it comes to that, besides a little underwatering won't hurt it. Less is sometimes more. The most logical answer on this thread is that the wind was drying out the leaves, making them not absorb and hold the water. The curling I believe was caused from overheating but not to a severe degree, just because the wind was making the water allocation off. I've watched it for a day and now the leaves are opening back up.
Now it's funny cause I noticed that when the soil was sopping wet ~1.5 inches deep the wind did not affect the leaves to curl. It was only when the water was drying out of the pot too fast and it just prolly ran out of water up top, and was beginning tmo overheat. Just my analysis and observations and 2 cents.