Here's what I think and correct me if I'm wrong:
I think at some point you didn't water enough, forgot to water, or in any case let the plant dry out
U may have forgotten but the plant didn't
The small brown burnt spots are exactly what u think they are and unless ur growing in the ground or have twenty yrs experience is hard to avoid but it's a small issue and one not worth addressing.
I also see the yellowing leaves on the bottom only which tells me you figured out the water issue and the plants roots are extensive enough to handle whatever fertilizer u are giving it effectively without burning anymore. The top growth looks normal and that tell me u aren't over feeding. Back to the bottom leaves. There's also something called nute relocation whereby the plant takes sugars and other elements away from the older fan leaves and moves them to the newest growth. Normal. So let's review:
Don't over feed in veg state or early in flowering. I think the manufacturer's feeding schedule, which I used to follow rigorously, is even a little too much.
Don't cut away any yellowing older fan leaves because although they are an eyesore to you, the plant needs them
And before you add insult to injury always try to figur out if it's something u did as opposed to something u didn't do