What's Will All The Religion Hatred?


Well-Known Member
Hep, it isn't judgment, it's critical analysis.

Like I've asked you before, if you felt something so influential, like organized religion, was dangerous to modern society, how would you go about enacting effective change? You wouldn't take it sitting down either.

Who? Who do you think feels this way? Point some fingers, I'd like to know because that is bullshit.

How does someone asking questions about what you might believe disable you from believing it?

No, we think religious people use inconsistent standards when analyzing evidence.

Being 'open minded' is different than being skeptical.
You know what pad I'm kinda tired of trying to be open minded I'm actually gonna start leaning towards being close minded and start thinking everything is that of the devil. Isn't that ironic? You guys try to educate me and it has the opposite effect I am know officially the most close minded I have ever been in my life. I believe that I have clinical depression due to the fact that this thread makes me have emotions (mostly sadness and slight anger). Fuck it I'm wrong sorry for even putting up a fight because you guys are right I'm close minded and a nutjob because I follow a fucking being that has no facts to support it. I'm fucking done I'm no better than hitler when it comes to being open minded that's a pretty depressing thought. Fucking shit I want peace and no judgement but I can't do anything about it. I don't know why I'm arguing with people it's not like I can win my argument is based purely on faith no fucking facts so that means I'm wrong. Well once again fuck it, sorry for venting after quoting your post pad this is not aimed towards you.

I have just made a fool of myself but then again I made a fool of myself the moment a tried to justify religion which is not based on facts.


Well-Known Member
1. You don't have to judge so hard. I have said before that its ok to judge religion but it's not ok to judge the believer based on their religion.
2.What is your definition of better? Because I'm positivethere is a religious person who is way smarter than you and makes a way bigger salary. So in their eyes you are inferior to them.
3. I never said religion is the only way for happiness all I said is that religion is not all bad and that it has positive attributes such as love and peace.
4. Once again I'm not stupid I know what is right and what is wrong. You go to the extremes and I you want to do that I can point out all the negative sides of atheism and science.
5. My point is that our beliefs should be judged equally.

Anyway can you please get rid of your sig if it's only intent is to mock me because that's what it seems like to me.
1. they judge me because i am an atheist. why cant i judge them?
2. my definition is 'more advantageous or affective'
3. yes i know you see it that way. but you fail to see the harm it does is FAR greater than any good. it blinds people throughout the world. it has held science back tremendously. it has caused countless innocent deaths. it changes the politics of the world in such a way that we do what is considered holy, and not what is best for society. it has done all of these for millenia, and still does today. all this for a nice fuzzy feeling inside?
4. you know what is right or wrong without needing your religion. do you think its right that millions around the world base their morals on whether god says its right or not? dont you think its wrong? id like to hear some negatives of atheism and science actually.
5. yes i agree. why isnt religion judged equally in our society then? it is put up on a pedestal. a lot of people think it is wrong to attack religion, but not atheism. how many atheists are in our congress? why?

i will not remove my sig because i know you mean what you said. that is what makes it funny :-P


Well-Known Member
1. they judge me because i am an atheist. why cant i judge them?
2. my definition is 'more advantageous or affective'
3. yes i know you see it that way. but you fail to see the harm it does is FAR greater than any good. it blinds people throughout the world. it has held science back tremendously. it has caused countless innocent deaths. it changes the politics of the world in such a way that we do what is considered holy, and not what is best for society. it has done all of these for millenia, and still does today. all this for a nice fuzzy feeling inside?
4. you know what is right or wrong without needing your religion. do you think its right that millions around the world base their morals on whether god says its right or not? dont you think its wrong? id like to hear some negatives of atheism and science actually.
5. yes i agree. why isnt religion judged equally in our society then? it is put up on a pedestal. a lot of people think it is wrong to attack religion, but not atheism. how many atheists are in our congress? why?

i will not remove my sig because i know you mean what you said. that is what makes it funny :-P
Yeah you are right, you are also an asshole for thinking I'm a dumbass for that statement fuck it see you in hell bro, ha.


New Member
The darkness hates the light because it shines upon the evil within mens souls, they are forced to see they're own corruption and they would rather deny the truth than face the reality of higher order and personal responsibility.
They cannot accept that they do wrong, therefore they cannot be forgiven , for they will not repent. They cannot accept forgiveness for they will not confess they're sin.
Theyre sin is this, "And this is the judgment, that the light hath come to the world, and men did love the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil".
So they killed the passover lamb......
"if the world doth hate you, ye know that it hath hated me before you;" -Yahushua Ha Mashiach

Well that's all I really need to say isnt it? Hate me, I forgive you =P
Strike me on the one cheek ( and I'll probably break your jaw) LOL, I'm only human =)


Well-Known Member
The darkness hates the light because it shines upon the evil within mens souls, they are forced to see they're own corruption and they would rather deny the truth than face the reality of higher order and personal responsibility.
They cannot accept that they do wrong, therefore they cannot be forgiven , for they will not repent. They cannot accept forgiveness for they will not confess they're sin.
Theyre sin is this, "And this is the judgment, that the light hath come to the world, and men did love the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil".
So they killed the passover lamb......
"if the world doth hate you, ye know that it hath hated me before you;" -Yahushua Ha Mashiach

Well that's all I really need to say isnt it? Hate me, I forgive you =P
Strike me on the one cheek ( and I'll probably break your jaw) LOL, I'm only human =)
yes thats the reason i dont believe. im so ashamed of myself that if i was religious, i would expose that and feel bad. therefore, i dont like religion



Well-Known Member
Ehhem.. .What are you gonna give me.?. *winks* I have been soo lonely.. .

oh wait, wrong section. Can't help you.


Well-Known Member
You know what pad I'm kinda tired of trying to be open minded I'm actually gonna start leaning towards being close minded and start thinking everything is that of the devil. Isn't that ironic? You guys try to educate me and it has the opposite effect I am know officially the most close minded I have ever been in my life. I believe that I have clinical depression due to the fact that this thread makes me have emotions (mostly sadness and slight anger). Fuck it I'm wrong sorry for even putting up a fight because you guys are right I'm close minded and a nutjob because I follow a fucking being that has no facts to support it. I'm fucking done I'm no better than hitler when it comes to being open minded that's a pretty depressing thought. Fucking shit I want peace and no judgement but I can't do anything about it. I don't know why I'm arguing with people it's not like I can win my argument is based purely on faith no fucking facts so that means I'm wrong. Well once again fuck it, sorry for venting after quoting your post pad this is not aimed towards you.

I have just made a fool of myself but then again I made a fool of myself the moment a tried to justify religion which is not based on facts.
Hep, if this post is sincere it seems you are on the verge of a MAJOR breakthrough in your thinking. It seems that you are starting the grieving process for your old belief system, I (and I think a lot of the atheists here) go through a rough time when we must abandon our cherished erroneous beliefs in light of facts and evidence. You can use this opportunity to let it all go, and start on a new and exciting epistemology based on facts and reason. It's SO much more fulfilling than dogma and faith, trust me, I've been there...


Well-Known Member
Hep, if this post is sincere it seems you are on the verge of a MAJOR breakthrough in your thinking. It seems that you are starting the grieving process for your old belief system, I (and I think a lot of the atheists here) feel the same way when we must abandon our cherished erroneous beliefs in light of facts and evidence. You can use this opportunity to let it all go, and start on a new and exciting epistemology based on facts and reason. It's SO much more fulfilling than dogma and faith, trust me, I've been there...
Nah I'm going a different route than you bro. Maybe it was too much off a shock but I'm currently in my room thinking about all my memories and how when I die it's all going to waste so I'm seriously contemplating suicide. It was just too much to find out for me. Peace bro maybe our memories will live on. :) oh yeah I have never typed lol so yeah just did that was a life goal just never knew when to use it so I guess I should do it now again, lol.