What's your take on Colin Kaepernicks refusal to stand for National Anthem

I don`t need much advise to grow, I don`t grow inside at all, so I mostly read. I read a lot about indoor growing on this site and completely changed how I once felt about the indoor guy bragging. They do some amazing shit. So once in a while I`ll post something and never in those sections ( outdoor/indoor) do I get negative feedback.

It`s common knowledge here that spelling for me has been burnt out, I freely admit that all the time. I purposely don`t use spellcheck. I also like to keep my caricature. What would an OddBall be with good spelling and math skills. My check at your spelling worked.

You get lost in my text because it`s meant to weed out. It`s my caricature to leave you to decipher what I type most of the time. You are not good at that.

Again, I never said KP went after civis, I said he should not bring his protest to the games, they (fans) do not pay to see him bitch. For him to do that will anger them and it has. That`s who he is taking it out on for free and with free TV. His choice to do and I like most think it`s not a good one.

The thing about dentists, doctors and farmers is clearly a message not to take out your problem with the police out on anyone but the police. You could not figure that out, I have to tell you. Shall I put them up and line by line explain to the simple ? Iv`e done that before.

His remarks are true, I and many others agree but will not support him if he is going to bring unwanted attention to the pastime game we love to watch.

The better way is not to get people all riled (with one L) up, it promotes violence. If you want that mile Don`t keep the Government we currently have, they are doing nothing about it like you just said. But people continue to vote for the two Party system that pushes the rational and reasonable Candidates out. Example,. Trump did not enter this Election as a Republican and clearly stated that he would not support any other should they get nominated. He had to swear allegiance to Republicans just to be one of the two.

The whole country is talking about it and most are not saying good things about him,...not what I would do or want.

Bringing your protest to every city`s police department will get more attention and not criticism. Amber alerts work because it`s a well planned out system and get`s the messages out. People respond in droves immediately and not negatively.

Acting sporadically and violently will no doubt cast a shadow on a good cause. BLM fails because the name offends anyone not Black by implying they don't think Black lives do matter to begin with, and the Violence is not wanted. Not well thought out and poorly lead. Not working well either.

Oh, I would gladly pay into that program,..no need to thank me. How was I supposed to know ?
And the poor fans have repaid him by making his the top selling jersey currently. LOL
The American Golden Calf

Submitted by Bob Livingston via PersonalLiberty.com,

As a young boy I enjoyed my family’s bantam chickens that laid very small eggs and hatched very small chicks. Theirs was a small and miniature world.

One day one of my bantams started sitting on eggs to hatch its chicks. Something happened to her eggs but she continued to sit, so I decided to put a duck egg under her. Duck eggs are at least three times bigger than bantam eggs and take a few days longer to hatch, but she dutifully sat on the egg several days longer. She hatched the duckling and, as you can imagine, it thought that his world was normal and that the bantam hen was his mother.

The duckling eventually grew into a full sized mallard duck, probably five or six times the size of its bantam mother. The full-grown duck would follow its hen mother around as would normal chicks. It was a funny sight to watch.

But I remember thinking, even as a small boy, that the duck’s entire reality was that the bantam hen was his mother and that was the way the world worked. He had no need to consider anything else.

This is the world of the American people today. Their perceptions of reality control them and they who control their perceptions control the American people.

Our perception of America has always been that she is the mother country and ordained by God, good and just and a beacon of freedom. This is hammered into our psyches from our early days.

From pre-school up, we are taught to worship the state. I don’t know if it is still done, but in the public (non)education system, for many years, schoolchildren across the South – and elsewhere, I suppose — recited the Pledge of Allegiance each morning. Political rallies and government meetings are still often begun with a recitation of the pledge.

People say it with patriotic fervor, with their hands placed dutifully on their hearts.

Sporting events, political rallies and other public venues are often kicked off with the playing and/or singing of the Star Spangled Banner. Before the song begins, people are instructed to rise, men to remove their hats; and people place their hands over their hearts. They don’t realize its value as a propaganda tool.

We have come to equate the flag, the pledge and the national anthem with patriotism, and patriotism with government, country and support for government, support for foreign wars and veterans. Anything less is “un-American.”

Beyond its patriot fervor is the almost religious fervor and religious symbolism of the American people’s actions when the pledge and the national anthem begin: the ritual standing, removal of hats, placing of hands and rote recitation. In the book of Daniel, Israelites Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) refused to worship the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar contrary to the king’s decree. The king ordered them to be thrown into the furnace after it was turned up to seven times its normal temperature.

NFL player Colin Kaepernick created a stir last week when he refused to stand for the national anthem. He was not subsequently ordered into the furnace by the king, but he was burned symbolically by many football fans who torched their jerseys. Americans fumed that he should “leave” America if he can’t support the flag; and that he had disrespected the flag, the nation and veterans.

What are we saying when we say that someone “disrespected the flag,” “disrespected the country,” “disrespected the veterans” if he chooses to not stand for the national anthem? What is the flag but a piece of cloth? By the reaction to Kaepernick, it seems it has become more of a golden calf to represent mother country or the god of government.

Our mother has become a witch. Yes, same symbols, same flag, same pledge of allegiance, but a decadent spirit controlling the perceptions of the American people, keeping them on the animal farm (controlling their perceptions) long enough to impoverish and enslave them.

Time and gradualism can change a system all the way from human liberty to slavery (the animal farm) over a few generations without anyone being aware except a very few, those who ask questions.

“America, love it or leave it,” is a tired canard. One cannot leave it except at great cost. Recall that in 1860-1861 11 states attempted to “leave it” in order to preserve their liberty and rights as sovereign states. They were branded as “insurrectionists” and attacked by the War Party and the result was their economic and social destruction, subjugation and the deaths of some 850,000 people (the equivalent of about 8.5 million people today). When one talks of secession today he’s branded as a racist, crazy or a radical and told secession is “illegal.”

One can love his country but hate his government and its actions. I love America but not the people who control America and its government. I love America, but its rulers are alien to individual freedom, its government now anathema to liberty.

If the flag is symbolic of government and that government lies at every turn, enslaves its people, steals from their labor, passes laws that are an execration to their Christian faith, takes from them their liberty, mandates the murder of 1 million babies a year, imports tens of thousands of immigrants to replace American workers and drive down wages, and that makes war on other countries that have not threatened us, why should any acknowledge its presence with more than a sneer?

Wars are not for patriotism and “democracy,” as we are propagandized. And our freedom has not been threatened by outside forces in 200 years. Wars are to kill; i.e., mass ritual murder. Additionally, big business and globalist banksters in league with Satan reap massive profits for the killing and sacrifice of young men (lambs) on all sides of combat.

If the flag is symbolic of the Constitution, that Constitution died long ago — destroyed by a crony railroad lawyer and mercantilist who made war on a sovereign people to benefit monied interests.

If the flag is symbolic of freedom, that freedom no longer exists — stolen long ago by crony corporations and globalist banksters and unaccountable oligarchical black-robed satanists and idol worshippers who usurped their authority created laws out of thin air under the guise of “interpreting the Constitution” a dictate not granted them under the original document.

The phony form of patriotism instilled within the population is strong leverage against independent thinking, keeping people ignorant of the treason by our own government.

America today is a more advanced state of fascism than World War II Germany and Italy. Fascism never identifies itself as totalitarianism. It always calls itself democracy.

Democracy is the politically correct word and cover term for modern American fascism.

American fascism has all the attributes and trappings of benevolent totalitarianism. No, benevolent totalitarianism is not an oxymoron.

The word benevolent in this instance means that the general perception of the population of the American system is that it is benevolent. This is only to say that modern America is full-blown fascism with a pretty face. It is every bit as deadly to human liberty as any tyranny in history and I would add far more sinister because of its propaganda sophistication.

Any regime that can spin tons of fiat paper money with printing presses or electronically is a slave system regardless of what it calls itself or regardless of the general population’s perception of it.

Our mother has been transformed into a witch no matter how much we love her.
wildly full of shit and among the dullest motherfuckers here. Your grovelling and slavish devotion to imbecile racist beliefs is the jaunty feather on your dunce cap of feces.

You wrote that by yourself. All you do is claim. Trying to use words I can`t spell wont do. Say this and say that aint good enough.

I`m not out to impress, but looks like you are, judging by what you say. Don`t, it`s a pot site, this section is for playtime.

Again, all you got it claims.
The NFL should make a rule that if you cannot pay respect to the country that enables you to play your sport & make you a "decent" living, then you cannot play on the field in this country....go play football somewhere other than America. Stand or stay off the field, this ain't your private stage to air you personal grievance...The NFL is a business & like any other private busuness if your employees are conducting themselves in a manner you don't like, make them stop...
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The NFL should make a rule that if you cannot pay respect to the country that enables you to play your sport & make you a "decent" living, then you cannot play on the field in this country....go play football somewhere other than America. Stand or stay off the field, this ain't your private stage to air you personal grievance...The NFL is a business & like any other private busuness if your employees are conducting themselves in a manner you don't like, make them stop...

He`s right, we pay to see a football game, not the player`s political views or protests. They are using someone else`s air time too. The audience can do whatever, players should not be allowed to distract from the game the fans paid to see.
He`s right, we pay to see a football game, not the player`s political views or protests. They are using someone else`s air time too. The audience can do whatever, players should not be allowed to distract from the game the fans paid to see.
That's not how the 1st Amendment works homie. Sorry.