What's your take on Colin Kaepernicks refusal to stand for National Anthem

See readers, perfect example right here, Jack fucked with women, his wife, and an old man,.....then one day Jack fucked with his Country through football,....That`s the one you don`t do Jack...............

We learn by example, (lol stupid motherfucker who hasnt leaned shit) Domestic violence happens everywhere, not everyone`s business anyway. Fucking with your Country,.....does not. You`ll get response, right away.
(((DAF))) pos
you keep missing the part where you're too fucking simple to construct a proper analogy. "if he can, they can" ? you are without a doubt a fucking half wit.

"If he can, they can type of thing", you partial sentence buck sock wish you could fool.
I got multiple insults cramming from you after destroying your shit packed one. Nothing sees more shit than a testie.
He looked really good in the last preseason game I thought. I think he should be starting. 20 million a year you'd think management would make sure he's the starting QB.
yeah he'll do well until defenses figure out chip kelleys college schemes....then meh not so much.

He's nothing more than an attention whore, spend your damn paycheck towards this issue and make a real impact! #soapoperaK
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