What's your take on Colin Kaepernicks refusal to stand for National Anthem

Sorry, that statute is a lot older than the current administration.
Can you explain? Obama signed in the stock act in 2012, only to quickly change some legislature in it to help a lot of members of government. Which is what gutting I thought you were referring to.
Can you explain? Obama signed in the stock act in 2012, only to quickly change some legislature in it to help a lot of members of government. Which is what gutting I thought you were referring to.

I'm petty sure the law I'm referring to was enacted in the 1990s.
Many *racist* booing fans agree.

It was retorical. Did I really have to tell you that?

Yes, liked or written. You are posting to find some kind of validation from someone, or else you wouldn't be so dedicated to proving your point.

You think a black man bitching about the police is gonna go anywhere? If you do, you are much dumber than I thought. Rosa Parks offended many whites with her actions, but got the job done. Lebron James helped lead the fight in, i can't breathe. That was a blatant demonstration towards police, where was the outcome of justice there? Where has there been justice really anywhere in history. 14th amendment was passed in 1868, yet close to 4,000 blacks were lynched during the 1877-1950's. Civil rights act in 1964, yet the justice department says there is still prejudice among police departments across America.

Where in the hell is this violence you speak of from KP's actions? The only violent thing I have seen thus far are some white guys burning his jersey...:clap: Real productive.

Many *racist* booing fans agree.

It was retorical. Did I really have to tell you that?

Yes, liked or written. You are posting to find some kind of validation from someone, or else you wouldn't be so dedicated to proving your point.

You think a black man bitching about the police is gonna go anywhere? If you do, you are much dumber than I thought. Rosa Parks offended many whites with her actions, but got the job done. Lebron James helped lead the fight in, i can't breathe. That was a blatant demonstration towards police, where was the outcome of justice there? Where has there been justice really anywhere in history. 14th amendment was passed in 1868, yet close to 4,000 blacks were lynched during the 1877-1950's. Civil rights act in 1964, yet the justice department says there is still prejudice among police departments across America.

Where in the hell is this violence you speak of from KP's actions? The only violent thing I have seen thus far are some white guys burning his jersey...:clap: Real productive.

I hope you didn`t pay much for that BA.

I don`t post for gratitude or Likes, even though I have 64 pages of them, I have never given one out.

Rhetorical my ass. (which you spelled wrong)

Is it rhetorical that you think I stated violence in KP`s actions or Did you seriously understand I meant he can protest and use violence as a last resort ?

I you wanna blow the caps and shoot, fine, I`ll learn you then sink you.
I hope you didn`t pay much for that BA.

I don`t post for gratitude or Likes, even though I have 64 pages of them, I have never given one out.

Rhetorical my ass. (which you spelled wrong)

Is it rhetorical that you think I stated violence in KP`s actions or Did you seriously understand I meant he can protest and use violence as a last resort ?

I you wanna blow the caps and shoot, fine, I`ll learn you then sink you.

Ok, first of all, it looks like you sit in the politics/tokes a lot section a little to much.... and by little I mean you spend 90% of your time in these sections. Congratulations :clap: Have you ever thought of joining a political forum instead? You don't seem to be very active in the growing sections, which means you can't grow, or you're a dick that grows dank weed. Either way, you suck.

Secondly, you attack my spelling and education because you have nothing, meanwhile you put together sentences like Hellen Keller. In fact, it starts almost immediately, and ends in your last post.

I apologize for not understanding what the fuck you are saying. I think we are having a huge communication failure because you're talking about violence and dentist and... what? You need to practice putting a clear thought out via computer. See this is one of the many where you lose me...

So what part of what you just posted has to do with the farmer, the grocery store owner, payless shoes, doctors and nurses ?

My entire point is,...go after the source of the problem, not the civilians. If a cop gave me a BS ticket, I ran and got shot, I would not go after my dentist for it.

WTF is this? When did KP go after civilians? I keep seeing a pattern where you say he, "took it out on the wrong crowd". Who did he take it out on exactly? It seems like you are trying to say that dentist are offended by his remarks, which seems absolutely ridiculous. What you meant to say was he was helping a group of civilians and alienating police by doing what he did.

What else you don't seem to understand is that one man isn't going to change the way police operate. KP, taking a stand, pushes this discussion further onto the national platform. It is going to take a nation to get involved, and what a better way than to get everyone all rilled up about it. Your pussy deliver method of having KP basically doing something more rational could work, but a weeks talk at best. People have tried it your way for far to long and got an inch, we need a mile.

Look, the bottom line is KP's remarks where true, and he was in the position to choose whatever platform he liked. He chose to sit during the national anthem. The whole country talked about it and still is talking about it. This stunt once again brings light onto police brutality, yet you care about how it happened?

My GI bill funded my education, so thank you asshat for helping me get my worthless degree. :finger:
Ok, first of all, it looks like you sit in the politics/tokes a lot section a little to much.... and by little I mean you spend 90% of your time in these sections. Congratulations :clap: Have you ever thought of joining a political forum instead? You don't seem to be very active in the growing sections, which means you can't grow, or you're a dick that grows dank weed. Either way, you suck.

Secondly, you attack my spelling and education because you have nothing, meanwhile you put together sentences like Hellen Keller. In fact, it starts almost immediately, and ends in your last post.

I apologize for not understanding what the fuck you are saying. I think we are having a huge communication failure because you're talking about violence and dentist and... what? You need to practice putting a clear thought out via computer. See this is one of the many where you lose me...


WTF is this? When did KP go after civilians? I keep seeing a pattern where you say he, "took it out on the wrong crowd". Who did he take it out on exactly? It seems like you are trying to say that dentist are offended by his remarks, which seems absolutely ridiculous. What you meant to say was he was helping a group of civilians and alienating police by doing what he did.

What else you don't seem to understand is that one man isn't going to change the way police operate. KP, taking a stand, pushes this discussion further onto the national platform. It is going to take a nation to get involved, and what a better way than to get everyone all rilled up about it. Your pussy deliver method of having KP basically doing something more rational could work, but a weeks talk at best. People have tried it your way for far to long and got an inch, we need a mile.

Look, the bottom line is KP's remarks where true, and he was in the position to choose whatever platform he liked. He chose to sit during the national anthem. The whole country talked about it and still is talking about it. This stunt once again brings light onto police brutality, yet you care about how it happened?

My GI bill funded my education, so thank you asshat for helping me get my worthless degree. :finger:

I don`t need much advise to grow, I don`t grow inside at all, so I mostly read. I read a lot about indoor growing on this site and completely changed how I once felt about the indoor guy bragging. They do some amazing shit. So once in a while I`ll post something and never in those sections ( outdoor/indoor) do I get negative feedback.

It`s common knowledge here that spelling for me has been burnt out, I freely admit that all the time. I purposely don`t use spellcheck. I also like to keep my caricature. What would an OddBall be with good spelling and math skills. My check at your spelling worked.

You get lost in my text because it`s meant to weed out. It`s my caricature to leave you to decipher what I type most of the time. You are not good at that.

Again, I never said KP went after civis, I said he should not bring his protest to the games, they (fans) do not pay to see him bitch. For him to do that will anger them and it has. That`s who he is taking it out on for free and with free TV. His choice to do and I like most think it`s not a good one.

The thing about dentists, doctors and farmers is clearly a message not to take out your problem with the police out on anyone but the police. You could not figure that out, I have to tell you. Shall I put them up and line by line explain to the simple ? Iv`e done that before.

His remarks are true, I and many others agree but will not support him if he is going to bring unwanted attention to the pastime game we love to watch.

The better way is not to get people all riled (with one L) up, it promotes violence. If you want that mile Don`t keep the Government we currently have, they are doing nothing about it like you just said. But people continue to vote for the two Party system that pushes the rational and reasonable Candidates out. Example,. Trump did not enter this Election as a Republican and clearly stated that he would not support any other should they get nominated. He had to swear allegiance to Republicans just to be one of the two.

The whole country is talking about it and most are not saying good things about him,...not what I would do or want.

Bringing your protest to every city`s police department will get more attention and not criticism. Amber alerts work because it`s a well planned out system and get`s the messages out. People respond in droves immediately and not negatively.

Acting sporadically and violently will no doubt cast a shadow on a good cause. BLM fails because the name offends anyone not Black by implying they don't think Black lives do matter to begin with, and the Violence is not wanted. Not well thought out and poorly lead. Not working well either.

Oh, I would gladly pay into that program,..no need to thank me. How was I supposed to know ?
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I see it both ways. The flag wouldn't be here without veterans or Americans.

The flag is all of ours. I don't understand, as a veteran myself, why veterans get upset about this. The man used rights, that veterans fought for, to make a stand using peaceful means.

So why does a guy protesting the flag that gives him that Right, wear a communists pictured shirt ?

I can`t figure that one out.
I see it both ways. The flag wouldn't be here without veterans or Americans.

The flag is all of ours. I don't understand, as a veteran myself, why veterans get upset about this. The man used rights, that veterans fought for, to make a stand using peaceful means.
It's because Kaepernick isn't white
Maybe a protest against how the flag, pledge of allegiance and national anthem are indoctrinated into us from an early age?

the pledge of allegiance should be mandatory for all american citizens,if you can't promise to align yourself with the morals & ethics of your host country its time to move.

another thought,why should a country support those who are not the country's allies ?
Don`t all Country`s have a national Anthem and flag ? There might be one or two that don`t. I never looked into it.

yes but western country's have been taught that showing patriotism in their country is bad & exbtreremely racist,fly your country's flag in Sweden & have your swede born neighbors tear it down n smash your windows .
the pledge of allegiance should be mandatory for all american citizens,if you can't promise to align yourself with the morals & ethics of your host country its time to move.

another thought,why should a country support those who are not the country's allies ?
There is a difference in learning it and my kids having to say it every morning and hear the national anthem. Every morning.
the pledge of allegiance should be mandatory for all american citizens,if you can't promise to align yourself with the morals & ethics of your host country its time to move.

another thought,why should a country support those who are not the country's allies ?
Reciting the pledge of allegiance doesn't mean you promise to align yourself with the morals and ethics of a country

It's a bullshit indoctrination technique, just like religion, that's why they target kids
I understand that, but that's your view. I served my country, not my flag. You on the other hand .....

Ok, now i'm starting to get pissed. I have a BA in Polysci, meanwhile your redundancy is enough to kill a large elephant. Do you notice how nobody is agreeing with your comments, it's because you are a dumbass. It makes me cringe at the fact you are so upset about a man who is trying to stand up for civil rights, even if you don't agree with the platform. Where is the justice for the many lives lost to police brutality? Asshat
Welcome to the world that is oddball. He's entertaining as hell, I ROFL at some of his stupid comments.
