I don`t need much advise to grow, I don`t grow inside at all, so I mostly read. I read a lot about indoor growing on this site and completely changed how I once felt about the indoor guy bragging. They do some amazing shit. So once in a while I`ll post something and never in those sections ( outdoor/indoor) do I get negative feedback.
It`s common knowledge here that spelling for me has been burnt out, I freely admit that all the time. I purposely don`t use spellcheck. I also like to keep my caricature. What would an OddBall be with good spelling and math skills. My check at your spelling worked.
You get lost in my text because it`s meant to weed out. It`s my caricature to leave you to decipher what I type most of the time. You are not good at that.
Again, I never said KP went after civis, I said he should not bring his protest to the games, they (fans) do not pay to see him bitch. For him to do that will anger them and it has. That`s who he is taking it out on for free and with free TV. His choice to do and I like most think it`s not a good one.
The thing about dentists, doctors and farmers is clearly a message not to take out your problem with the police out on anyone but the police. You could not figure that out, I have to tell you. Shall I put them up and line by line explain to the simple ? Iv`e done that before.
His remarks are true, I and many others agree but will not support him if he is going to bring unwanted attention to the pastime game we love to watch.
The better way is not to get people all riled (with one L) up, it promotes violence. If you want that mile Don`t keep the Government we currently have, they are doing nothing about it like you just said. But people continue to vote for the two Party system that pushes the rational and reasonable Candidates out. Example,. Trump did not enter this Election as a Republican and clearly stated that he would not support any other should they get nominated. He had to swear allegiance to Republicans just to be one of the two.
The whole country is talking about it and most are not saying good things about him,...not what I would do or want.
Bringing your protest to every city`s police department will get more attention and not criticism. Amber alerts work because it`s a well planned out system and get`s the messages out. People respond in droves immediately and not negatively.
Acting sporadically and violently will no doubt cast a shadow on a good cause. BLM fails because the name offends anyone not Black by implying they don't think Black lives do matter to begin with, and the Violence is not wanted. Not well thought out and poorly lead. Not working well either.
Oh, I would gladly pay into that program,..no need to thank me. How was I supposed to know ?
Have you been dropped on your head? Your entire point is that KP hurt people that were not police, which is the dumbest thing I have ever heard next to people serve a flag, and not there country. A flag is a visual representation of what America stands for. How about I served the constitution, or human rights before a flag? I payed respect to a flag by rendering a hand salute. The flag that is on our uniform to identify who we are to other militaries, that's it. We don't salute our uniforms, dip shit. Just like how every other military has one, including the Iraq, Afghan, North Korean, Iranian, Russian, and Chinese army. They fight for honor, religion, and other reasons before they would fight for a flag. Shit, most people now a days serve because they need job security. Glad you know what I had served because apparently I didn't.
What kind of asshat, backwards minded moron comments about someone else's grammar, meanwhile says there's has gone to shit? Who is this MOST you speak of being upset, fox news or msnbc?
His jersey sales have gone up greatly, but you say he is flopping. He makes more money than the current starting QB for the 49er's by over 300% and isn't even starting. Damn, he is some fool.
Yet, you ramble about KP should have pointed his anger to someone else, which he shouldn't have. It was rightfully placed.
BLM only offends the ignorant. If you read into their cause for 5 minutes, you would notice they are fighting for legit issues they are faced with. People who cannot see these issues, and selfishly believe it's a racist movement are blind. Who is honestly complaining about BLM... some white people are scared because of fear of w/e, while I call it bullshit racism.
A quote from the BLM website,
" The movement hates white people. The statement “black lives matter” is not an anti-white proposition. Contained within the statement is an unspoken but implied “too,” as in “black lives matter, too,” which suggests that the statement is one of inclusion rather than exclusion." Shit, it's not even an anti-police movement...
A common misconception is that "The movement hates police officers. Police officers are people. Their lives have inherent value. This movement is not an anti-people movement; therefore it is not an anti-police-officer movement."
Interesting that if you would've looked on their website you could have noticed that, yet you seem to speak for the people. I'm white, yet the BLM doesn't offend me... I guarantee there is plenty of support for BLM, and surely enough to not call it a failure.