Fake Plastic Trees
New Member
Hehe the people who manipulate and contort scientific fact to purport their own point of view now and through the ages make me laugh. Throughout history the top scientists of the world have behaved at best like a bunch of faggots at a half-price tupperware party over who was first, who was right yadda yadda yadda. Look at Newton and who was the other uk chappy that made complete arses of themselves over who was first to think of an idea or who is or was right.
The fact is we are always wrong we only have the best approximation at truth at any given time with the facts we have to hand and the great thinkers we have to philosophise about what maybe.
You see it a lot on here even, very clever people manipulate facts, throw in mistruths, to argue what they believe to be true. Topic aside is there global warming or not and more importantly did we cause it and is it stopping. All the top scientists were on board with GW and now they are starting to jump ship.
My point is giant leaps forward have been made by brilliant lateral thinkers, Einstein - failed schoolteacher, DNA model - unrelated scientists the list goes on. I respect lateral thinkers and people with open minds to what could be far more than some clever arse who hides behind scientific facts that in the future inevitably will be proved to be wrong.
All the best
Wow I think I wrote my first flame of sorts
The fact is we are always wrong we only have the best approximation at truth at any given time with the facts we have to hand and the great thinkers we have to philosophise about what maybe.
You see it a lot on here even, very clever people manipulate facts, throw in mistruths, to argue what they believe to be true. Topic aside is there global warming or not and more importantly did we cause it and is it stopping. All the top scientists were on board with GW and now they are starting to jump ship.
My point is giant leaps forward have been made by brilliant lateral thinkers, Einstein - failed schoolteacher, DNA model - unrelated scientists the list goes on. I respect lateral thinkers and people with open minds to what could be far more than some clever arse who hides behind scientific facts that in the future inevitably will be proved to be wrong.
All the best
Wow I think I wrote my first flame of sorts