When All The Hairs Turn Dark Yellow, Can I Cut Down??

i was thinking tonight and Mondays light cycle, then 48 hrs of darkness!! i have been giving just water for the past week, maybe longer... i have been having major issues with my medium, my ph and my R/O system. so i can not believe i got this far and they look as good as they do. i have 1 plant that all of a sudden has bright yellow leafs, it was the most promising one in the bunch, i have no idea what is going on. i have to take pics and start another thread:wall:
OK! so when i looked this morning at a few cut leafs i saw all cloudy trichs. i couldn't see any clear, and about 1 or 2 amber. but i can't see colors so well and i heard its better to let them go a day longer then a day sooner. so, one more light cycle, maybe 3. then i can put them into absolute darkness? or should i do it before the lights come on and throw it in total darkness before the lights come on this evening? im really anxious. as i have been running low on smokeables this last week, and have bud, but its weak in stoney-ness, or i need a tolerance break. i will not be a premature-bud-picker. my friends do that, and its never worth it! i had a limb break off last week, its hard to say if it was dried correctly. it has the yummy smell once pressed, but hardly any smell when in the jar. no nasty hay smell, so that is a plus!! but im freaking out!!!! the tops of the main buds look like there more glisten-y today then yesterday. the nugs are rock fucking hard! and the stink on them is like no other. i have the dark/dry room all ready to go, string is tied up, window is blocked off. its completely dark in that bathroom. the plant will sit in there for 2 days. say, i have a question. if i have buds hanging to dry in there, and need to put a plant in there, or 3, to be in the total darkness, will that throw off the drying process. and i was told to have a fan on in that room. i plan on buying a little one, and putting it on and having it positioned to where the fan blows, but the opposite direction of where the bud will be drying. is this correct? i am using my bathroom as a dry room as i have no room left to use, especially for this part. i think every plant is pretty much on their own time frame. i suppose i should be paying attention to the other plants, but im sure they all have at least a week or 2, maybe 3 on some. i know the Skunk has a lot of time left. she ain't even frosty yet. not to me anyways. well crap, im gabbing like a school girl, i must be anxious!! +rep for people who have not received any form me yet, for constructive answers.
If you can't see any clear and as few amber as you say you should harvest.
I do not use the darkness period but I believe people use it at the end of a light cycle.
Let us say that you lights go out tonight @ 24:00, then use the timeframe from then on as your darkness period.
If you lights go on in the evening you should not let them go on (same concept as the other).

Yes you need ventilation for your drying space, it's a must.
Especially if you want to keep plants in there, if that is what you mean?
In that case I would get a bunch of fans.

You don't want the fans to blow directly on the bud per se but more so to create a nice airflow in the space.
What you want is to move the oxygen and CO2 present in there around the room not keeping it 'locked' by the plants if you will.
thank you K0ijn!!! +rep for you! here is an idea of the room. i am using a bathroom. normal size bathroom, has no bathtub, but a shower with a sliding glass door. i have a vent that the A/C blows air into, it is not cold, it is not hot. but air will get in there from the vent and form the one fan i will be putting in there. i was always told to NOT have the fan blowing directly on the bud as it will dry it out to much. you want to air around the buds to circulate. i wanted to put the fan on the floor, so the air on the bottom is circulating and the vent will circulate the air up top. this is just info i have read around these boards. i have even seen a thread with exact humidity and temps, i really wish i could find that one. i have also heard that where you live doesn't matter, but that don't make sense to me, cuz the relative air humidity has a bunch to do with it. people that live in high altitudes or near the ocean or large bodies of water. im sure those people have dries that take longer then people that live in a desert. does that make sense to you? do you have any info you can provide me with as far as drying & curing? im trying to get an overall census on what methods are out there. plus here in a few weeks im going to build one of those $40 Dry Boxes ive seen a member post info on around here. looks like it would work awesome! oh, if you Google the 4 Day Dry it should pop up!
You don't want the fans to blow directly on the bud per se but more so to create a nice airflow in the space.
What you want is to move the oxygen and CO2 present in there around the room not keeping it 'locked' by the plants if you will.

okay! i see what your saying.
so, if i put something under the door to trap all the air in, is no good? i was doing it to block out the light. but im debating if a little bit of light creeps in it shouldn't hurt none, yeah?
thank you K0ijn!!! +rep for you! here is an idea of the room. i am using a bathroom. normal size bathroom, has no bathtub, but a shower with a sliding glass door. i have a vent that the A/C blows air into, it is not cold, it is not hot. but air will get in there from the vent and form the one fan i will be putting in there. i was always told to NOT have the fan blowing directly on the bud as it will dry it out to much. you want to air around the buds to circulate. i wanted to put the fan on the floor, so the air on the bottom is circulating and the vent will circulate the air up top. this is just info i have read around these boards. i have even seen a thread with exact humidity and temps, i really wish i could find that one. i have also heard that where you live doesn't matter, but that don't make sense to me, cuz the relative air humidity has a bunch to do with it. people that live in high altitudes or near the ocean or large bodies of water. im sure those people have dries that take longer then people that live in a desert. does that make sense to you? do you have any info you can provide me with as far as drying & curing? im trying to get an overall census on what methods are out there. plus here in a few weeks im going to build one of those $40 Dry Boxes ive seen a member post info on around here. looks like it would work awesome! oh, if you Google the 4 Day Dry it should pop up!

Ok the vent is good.
You need to be able to either open the door of the bathroom or have an exhaust fan.

Temps and RH you want around 15-21 degrees Celcius (not too hot, not too cold) and around 45%-55% RH (at best, 40%-60% is doable).
Well the RH can be quite broad when drying (+-20% at most (40 to 60)) so it doesn't affect it that much really, air ventilation affects drying a lot more, unless we're talking the difference between 90% RH and 40% (in which RH can affect a drying process a lot).
I'm in Denmark, which is basically a bunch of islands and the RH is rather stable here (my flowering room runs @ 40%-50% with just one exhaust fan and 2 air moving fans).

In all, RH is important but not the most important.
When you come to curing, RH is probably the single most important factor.

But to answer your question, yes RH does affect the drying time.
But it shouldn't be by more than +-2 days.

I'm not sure about the dry boxes, I have never heard anyone using them.
I know people who've tried drying with dehumidifiers and that went horribly wrong.
In drying it is essential to move air around and keep it 'fresh', I think a dry box would defeat that purpose but I might be wrong.

so, if i put something under the door to trap all the air in, is no good? i was doing it to block out the light. but im debating if a little bit of light creeps in it shouldn't hurt none, yeah?

No you don't want to close the room up completely.
You want to either be able to open the door or have passive air refreshment 'holes'.

It's possible to block the light even with intakes, try looking up 'light trap'.
Basic construction that allows for air to move into the room but blocks out the light, easy to build.
ok. well, i can leave my door cracked, and shut my bedroom door. thanks for the advise. im super paranoid, super wigging out. i hate being online this much and ive been here for 2 weeks tripping out on this process. i had a buddy grow some awesome weed, then when it came time to dry and cure, he messed it all up and his White Widow went stringy and wispy, and smelt like hay! it looked perfect while it was growing. he came to me for help, and i asked him about the trichromes and he said they were amber. so im assuming he did everything correctly, EXCEPT for the dry & cure. its freaking me out. im thinking he may have cut them down a few weeks to early, its the only think i have researched. im trying to prevent that from happening to me. he said he grew like 3-4 crops in a years time and they ALL did that. ive put too much effort, time and love into this project. i can not have that happen to me. so thank you very much for the advise!! this is what i am going to do. i think i have figured it out.

cut main fan leafs off, hang stems with buds on them up on string for 24 hours (or when little leafs are dry). then cut off little leafs.
keep hung up for another 24 hours.
then snip buds off stems and jar for 24 hours.
remove from jar and place on dry rack for an additional 24 hours.
place back in jar.
every 12 hours take lid off to "burp" jar.
continue til skuny lovely smell comes out of it.

i will do this while randomly testing buds in a pipe to see if the taste is prevalent. i was told it tast a week or 2 of curing before the yummy-ness comes out. so, until i smell something good or taste something good, ill be curing. and even then, ill be curing. im going to take 1 ounce for a "forever" cure, and 1 ounce for a "rainy day" cure. i heard about some breeders put their mason jars in turkey bags and seal them up. i also heard of one guy, in this community, spray painted his bottles a flat black with spray paint. to block the light out. i think a closet shelf is good enough.
Placing them in the jar for 24 hours without burping could create problems.
The RH really builds up quickly inside those jars (within hours it can be really high, much higher than you might anticipate).
And mold can easily set in that way.

I would maybe burp the jar the 'first' 24 hours before putting it back out on the dry rack.
Usually people burp their jars every 6th hour in the first days to make sure that mold doesn't set in.

Yeah you need to keep light and high temps and high RH away from your curing jars as well, those three factors can either ruin a crop or make it the best you've ever tasted :)
ok!! i see. i will def "burp" the jars more on the first filling. or possibly skip that step. i have a few more days before i finally go for the plunge. thanks again for the info!!


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Alright thats good then Oshi.
You should do fine with drying & curing.
Most people fail because they do not know/keep track of RH and temps :)

She looks good, nice and frosty, just make sure you keep the room ventilated to avoid mold, would be a shame to lose the bud :joint:
OK!! i went and bought a box fan, and another digi temp/humidity meter. i have the door cracked, and there is a blanket blocking whatever light may get in from my room. separate from grow room. i have a little mini hallway to my room from the bathroom. i put a blanket up so i could crack the door. i will poke back in tomorrow morning with my green light to see how things are. i watered here really good this morning. i even took 1 branch off to test to see if in fact it will get frostier. plus im mad jonesing!! i need to smoke something good! thanks for your help!!
i have started to cut her down. i chopped 1 branch down prior to putting her into the 48 hours of darkness. i hung dried it since Monday morning. the rest of the plant did not appear any frostier, however it DEF changed color! i had more of an amber tint to her. but i could be wrong, i can't see colors so well. all i know is that i "quick dried" a bowl last night (i DO NOT ever put weed in the microwave. i have a very unique original method for a quick dry) and when i smoked it, there wasnt much "bad" flavor. a hint of yummy. but you can tell it needed more time. my girl took a few tokes off it (she is an all the time everyday, all day smoker) and she said it gave her a nice head change. she said she slept in the same position all night. THATS GOOD! i got mighty ripped. i can not wait til the rest of it is dried. after the cure its going to have a nice flavor and high. the rest is getting chopped down this morning. have a few more branches to chop, just taking a little break. i have a pic of the bud im smoking and curing now. here it is


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