Well-Known Member
You don't want the fans to blow directly on the bud per se but more so to create a nice airflow in the space.
What you want is to move the oxygen and CO2 present in there around the room not keeping it 'locked' by the plants if you will.
thank you K0ijn!!! +rep for you! here is an idea of the room. i am using a bathroom. normal size bathroom, has no bathtub, but a shower with a sliding glass door. i have a vent that the A/C blows air into, it is not cold, it is not hot. but air will get in there from the vent and form the one fan i will be putting in there. i was always told to NOT have the fan blowing directly on the bud as it will dry it out to much. you want to air around the buds to circulate. i wanted to put the fan on the floor, so the air on the bottom is circulating and the vent will circulate the air up top. this is just info i have read around these boards. i have even seen a thread with exact humidity and temps, i really wish i could find that one. i have also heard that where you live doesn't matter, but that don't make sense to me, cuz the relative air humidity has a bunch to do with it. people that live in high altitudes or near the ocean or large bodies of water. im sure those people have dries that take longer then people that live in a desert. does that make sense to you? do you have any info you can provide me with as far as drying & curing? im trying to get an overall census on what methods are out there. plus here in a few weeks im going to build one of those $40 Dry Boxes ive seen a member post info on around here. looks like it would work awesome! oh, if you Google the 4 Day Dry it should pop up!
so, if i put something under the door to trap all the air in, is no good? i was doing it to block out the light. but im debating if a little bit of light creeps in it shouldn't hurt none, yeah?