When BHO Goes Horribly Wrong...

This is why I don't blast cans INDOORS... at least not without a vent hood and/or no sparks and no static...

Please make sure the vent hood is rated for flammable gas , and vented properly outside

-- I can picture someone useing a standard kitchen vent hood with a unsealed motor .
-- Or the vent hoods that only suck air up and out 12" above in the same room
someone please clear this up for me!! ive made bho 15-20 times with good results, but i need to know HAS A BHO RUN EVER BEEN BLOWN UP OUTSIDE??? and by that i mean not in a garage iwth the door open, not neer electical units or outlets or under something. i mean out in the open with a breeze. im going to be done making this if even one instance has occured because of a cell phone maybe, or anything else. its not worth it to me to make it even tho its incredibly profitable and awesome to smoke.

I don't know why I know so many people who know so MUCH about making oil and so LITTLE about precautionary safety measures!

The anti-static bracelet is news to me but I fucking just ordered 10 from china for $20 delivered!

I'll be passing these out for sure!!!

Thanks Matt for not just shit talking the stupid fucks blowing themselves up but trying to educate as well!
Not an explosion but dumb enough to be here.

Dropped this whole fucker on a nail last night thinking three of us could take it.

I ended up going white and pretty much right about passed out. I remained out of my element for a while and did not need to re-medicate until just now. stoopid!
You share dabs? ^^^^^ lol anybody remember way back when the hugest "party bowl" you could get was in? I hate sharing!
You share dabs? ^^^^^ lol anybody remember way back when the hugest "party bowl" you could get was in? I hate sharing!

Usually we break off a personal piece. I dunno who's bright idea it was (probably me) to see if we could take it all between us; but that was an epic failure.