Mexico isn't a cocaine production country. And you need to purify coca extract to make it into pure cocaine. You have to actually lose some product to get it up to pharma grade quality so no one is bothering to do that.
This is correct, now adays, people make no financial distinction between the kind coke and ..... coke. So why bother spending the extra money on DEA watched chemicals and losing a goodly percentage of crap simply in order to provide top of the line yayo. On the other hand. I see more and more people turning their noses up (forgive the pun) at coke in general because of the bad name it has gotten as pretty much crap. As we have been discusiong it isn't a mattter of the cut but of the initial shody manufacturing that is the problem. I suspect that were the fine quality of old to be brought back in mass, the consumer base would grow and people's willingness to pay more for a quarter oz would rise. Look at it this way - it is just as dangerous and costly to import a lb of crap blow as it is to import a lb of bolivian Chrystal and the lower grade does not bring in close to the dollar amount that the old style powder used to - sure, it is no longer in vogue but I suspect a portion of that has to do with the quality
Having been around this game for 40 year I see the cyclical aspects of the popularity of the old style drugs. heroin comes and goes about every 10 years, coke makes an appearnace every 20 years and of course LSD makes itself known about every decade. If someone wanted to make a new market all they would have to do is import or create a quality product and find a way to trademark it - like the red scorpion brand of old or the red lion - mmicking the MGM logo. It wouldn't take long to command 750 dollars an ounce or more _ I dount that the grand oz will ever make a comeback - especially in this economy and in the environment where there are dozens of alternatives that were not available way back when.
I can tell you that I would consider a few purcases were I to see some fine flake again, if only for nostalgia's sake.
ah well, some things get better, some get worse.
There is still nothing on par with fine quality blow and it woudn't take long for it to take hold.