when is now?

the animation is from wikipedia's page on tachyons. the grey sphere is the particle moving faster than light approaching a given location on the graph. Then when the particle is in a given location, or when it would be calculable rather, it would be seen as splitting and going back where it came from as well as towards where it is heading.

i get it now, thanks:)

it's really interesting. i wonder how energy can be factored into that. seems like maybe there would have to be some sort of anti-energy driving the split part backward.
i guess you can, since we're always in the past.

the future is what hasn't happened yet, the present is what is happening , the past is what has happened.

but on what scale does one consider something is happening? is the "event" you gripping an apple, or is the "event" the atoms of your thumb disrupting the air molecules on the way to gripping the apple?

when does "something", anything, begin to happen? when you drill all the way down into that, you find everything is always in motion to begin with, so nothing ever really gets started. things that "happen" is just the flow of the current of energy and matter........everything, including us, are just electromagnetic waves.
meh I think we have some carbon in there maybe some water and salt.

please create me some.....out of thin air with magnetic waves.

ohhh wait so we are still in the magical this is what we think happens stage....
meh I think we have some carbon in there maybe some water and salt.

please create me some.....out of thin air with magnetic waves.

and we're the reaction of those 3 things.........hey could be.
meh I think we have some carbon in there maybe some water and salt.

please create me some.....out of thin air with magnetic waves.

ohhh wait so we are still in the magical this is what we think happens stage....

quantum physics is another term for magic. The magic is real, it's you that is not.
from wikipedia

The Planck time is the unique combination of the gravitational constant G, the special-relativistic constant c, and the quantum constant ħ, to produce a constant with units of time. Because the Planck time comes from dimensional analysis, which ignores constant factors, there is no reason to believe that exactly one unit of Planck time has any special physical significance. Rather, the Planck time represents a rough time scale at which quantum gravitational effects are likely to become important.[clarification needed] The nature of those effects, and the exact time scale at which they would occur, would need to be derived from an actual theory of quantum gravity. However, the reciprocal of the Planck time can be interpreted as an upper bound on the frequency of a wave. This follows from the interpretation of the Planck length as a minimal length, and hence a lower bound on the wavelength. All scientific experiments and human experiences occur over time scales that are dozens of orders of magnitude longer than the Planck time,[3] making any events happening at the Planck scale hard to detect. As of November 2016, the smallest time interval uncertainty in direct measurements is on the order of 850 zeptoseconds (850 × 10−21 seconds)[4]
when exactly is "now"? what is the shortest unit of time? when does something become the past? a billionth of a second ago is the past, a trillionth is too, so is a quadrillion and actually.........so on and so on....

really by the time we react to anything, it's already in the past and we're just catching up to it and as soon as we do, we're in the past and the next thing is already happening before we know it. by the time we realize that thing is happening, its already in the past and we're just catching up to it.

so in short, we all live in the past and the future is really just the present that we can't catch up to until it becomes the past.

My trouble is that this wasn't written now. It was written then. I missed the then and am all out of time.
When this is settled I'm left with one additional dilemma.

Where is here? Is it there or someplace else. Are we all here? Everyone can not be here.
If one is here can one truly be there for you?
all time exists, and we can't perceive most of it. where is it written that it is immutable and unchanging? we can't see it so we have no idea if the future changes constantly because of the decisions we make "now"...whos to say an alien travelling here would see the same future today that he would have seen if he came tomorrow? or even 10 seconds later?
saying we don't have free will is just a way to avoid cosmic responsibility. thats the real balance that will judge us at the end of our existence, did we add to energy or entropy?
In the eighth dimension, and above, you have both time vectors. In this dimension it depends on your referential frame.
whats a time stamp on a post ? then or now ? proof it was then and proof it was now then, but no proof it's interesting :P

i'm in a good mood :) posted in real time never 5:82ap
I metaphysically smack you all
I aint even going to touch this subject unless you have somethingthat blows mymind.

Please only scientific reaponses wantex
