When the state goes broke, .............

I'm ready for spring and better weather. I miss hubby getting a 40 hour check, this 2 day paycheck thing sucks........blah......

Thats why when in construction, When the weather is good you work extra ,, a few hrs here and there and a few saturdays .. and you put that ''Extra " money in the bank and save it for the slow season.. .. Times like these ,,,,,,,,,
We usually use the "extra" to pay our property tax and shit like that. Plus we like to have some day trips during the summer. We deserve to have some fun sometimes.

We're used to things being thin in the winter time, it's always been a way of life for us, we always get by.......
We usually use the "extra" to pay our property tax and shit like that. Plus we like to have some day trips during the summer. We deserve to have some fun sometimes.

We're used to things being thin in the winter time, it's always been a way of life for us, we always get by.......

I could see that whole post being the states response to all of this.
Well I don't think CA is going to milk any money out of Obama, he's slamming the check book shut.........

That's it?

I'm surprised California has a state government. Why doesn't the Federal Government step in and help them straighten out there government and their books, and then release them with no debt, and a neat and balanced budget?

Of course that'd require cutting a lot of pork, so it wouldn't work. California would remain a Federal Property for the rest of eternity...

Maybe California will try seceding, I'm sure if they were able to keep all the taxes remitted to the IRS they'd be able to balance their budget. Of course in 20 years (I'm being generous) they'd probably be right back in the same position, having not been forced to learn their lesson, because they got a sudden windfall of money that allowed them to continue to act stupidly.

Well, there's always bankruptcy, maybe their creditors will force liquidation of some massive amounts of the California Bureaucracy...
CA isn't going to have a state government for much longer. Most people go to work because they need to get paid. When the paychecks stop, so will the work.

I want to know when the cops stop working, I might want to order some stuff from "Lootin is Us".
CA isn't going to have a state government for much longer. Most people go to work because they need to get paid. When the paychecks stop, so will the work.

I want to know when the cops stop working, I might want to order some stuff from "Lootin is Us".
The exact reason to own guns. I refuse to be a victim of crime if I can get to my gun first.
I guess we'll find out soon. All I know is if my employer stopped paying me, I'd sure the hell stop showing up. Sorry, can't work for free, it's not the American way........
I guess we'll find out soon. All I know is if my employer stopped paying me, I'd sure the hell stop showing up. Sorry, can't work for free, it's not the American way........

Yeah, I wouldn't stick around either. Mostly because I have bills, no bills, and I might be willing to work, until a more interesting job offer came along that promised to be more challenging, and more rewarding...
Have you ever had an employer that expected you to work off the clock sometimes and then questioned your loyalty when you refused? I used to work for a store that expected all of the employess to come in and put away the truck off the clock. When I said no they said "that isn't showing loyalty to the company" my response was "I don't work here because I love the company, I work here to get paid". They were so insulted by that..........I bet they don't work for free either.
Yeah, I wouldn't stick around either. Mostly because I have bills, no bills, and I might be willing to work, until a more interesting job offer came along that promised to be more challenging, and more rewarding...
Don't hold your breath in this economy for that to happen, There are quite a few brother-in-laws that may need jobs right now.
Have you ever had an employer that expected you to work off the clock sometimes and then questioned your loyalty when you refused? I used to work for a store that expected all of the employess to come in and put away the truck off the clock. When I said no they said "that isn't showing loyalty to the company" my response was "I don't work here because I love the company, I work here to get paid". They were so insulted by that..........I bet they don't work for free either.

Lol, no, can't say that I have, though being on Salary I do put in a lot of extra hours... I like my salary, and it's good enough to justify the extra hours, at least in my opinion.

Not having to stress out about my bills seems like a good exchange for having slightly more stress in my work life.

Though I haven't been working as many extra hours lately, busy doing other things.
I've had employer after employer expect me to work for free. They want you to come in and do "pre-shift" work off the clock. They want you to stay a little extra off the clock, they want you to stop by on your days off and do an hour or so of work. Not me, if they are paying me an hourly wage, then I expect to get paid.
I've had employer after employer expect me to work for free. They want you to come in and do "pre-shift" work off the clock. They want you to stay a little extra off the clock, they want you to stop by on your days off and do an hour or so of work. Not me, if they are paying me an hourly wage, then I expect to get paid.

Can't fault you for that, if I was still hourly I'd expect the same.
I've had employer after employer expect me to work for free. They want you to come in and do "pre-shift" work off the clock. They want you to stay a little extra off the clock, they want you to stop by on your days off and do an hour or so of work. Not me, if they are paying me an hourly wage, then I expect to get paid.
Amen to that. A days work for a days pay I always said. I give when I work and expect to get paid, no freebees. I only punched a clock a couple a times in my life, all other jobs were on my honor, and I never fucked them and never got fucked, well a couple of mistakes, but those were remedied fast enough.
Amen to that. A days work for a days pay I always said. I give when I work and expect to get paid, no freebees. I only punched a clock a couple a times in my life, all other jobs were on my honor, and I never fucked them and never got fucked, well a couple of mistakes, but those were remedied fast enough.

I had a really smart ass comment, but I figure that you don't deserve it. Being able to own up or admit to making mistakes is something that a lot of people don't have the cajones to do.
You must have worked at Walmart, I heard they're good at that.I always said, I work to live, I don't live to work.
Have you ever had an employer that expected you to work off the clock sometimes and then questioned your loyalty when you refused? I used to work for a store that expected all of the employess to come in and put away the truck off the clock. When I said no they said "that isn't showing loyalty to the company" my response was "I don't work here because I love the company, I work here to get paid". They were so insulted by that..........I bet they don't work for free either.