New Member
No I've never worked at Wal-mart, they make you piss test and I pee for enjoyment not for employment.
You must have worked at Walmart, I heard they're good at that.I always said, I work to live, I don't live to work.
Well, thanks, but the mistakes were on the employers part like under paying me, which they remedied as soon as I showed them the error of their ways. I usually got along fine with my employers, after 50 years of work, many different jobs, I only had to threaten to beat a couple of bosses asses as I quit. Not too shabby. One I actually got ahold of but let him go as I smelled a cop and a lawsuit, but he got the message. BTW I've made a few mistakes in my life, no doubt about that. Like quitting a job with So. Cal. Edison at really good pay to go into business with my brother, that was a fiasco, and I left behind the chance for a 60,000 a year retirement. Hindsight is 20/20. Talk about hard work, I was a Linesman, climbing 50-100 ft. poles daily with about 40 lbs of equipment on my belt, then leaning out to the end of a ten ft crossarm and hanging things like a 30lb come-a-long or a set of bells. Youth is wonderful, but it is so fleeting.I had a really smart ass comment, but I figure that you don't deserve it. Being able to own up or admit to making mistakes is something that a lot of people don't have the cajones to do.
No I've never worked at Wal-mart, they make you piss test and I pee for enjoyment not for employment.
:: shrugs :: My view is that I do whatever looks interesting, and Work (I lucked out) is usually interesting, at least to me.
But there's a lot of interesting things I want to do, and there's only one of me to do them.
I wish there was 5 of me, or maybe even 10.
I hear you.You should read their application.It's got moral questions on it like, I feel it is ok to smoke marijuana as long as I am not at work, check yes or no.
I wish I felt passionately about something.I wanted very badly to be a singer, and I pretty much fucked that dream off.Nothing else I really feel I want to do.I hope that changes.
Moral Question about smoking Marijuana... do they expect an honest answer, or the "correct" answer?
What happened to you being a singer?
Well, I got pregnant with my second.So I gave up.Folks tell me I'm awesome, but I was always insecure.Even tried out for American Idol, but I was 25 at the time and had never sung in front of judges.Choked up and missed my note, then said, "Aw, fuck" on camera, lol.
Ouch, that sucks, sorry...
Oh well.Maybe I'll write really bad romance novels, lol.
I'm sure there are people out there that would read them...
I'm not one of them, I like fantasy, and sci fi.
Me too.I love Piers Anthony, ever read him?And Terry Brooks is good(well, his last book that I read wasn't so great)and a lot of the forgotten realms books, R.A Salvatore is one of their better writers.I better stop jacking now.
romance novels with quivering thighs and orgasims that would rival earthquakes........
I don't know, I don't read romance novels, it's not my thing. I'm more of the type that would read an encyclopedia.
Me too.I love Piers Anthony, ever read him?And Terry Brooks is good(well, his last book that I read wasn't so great)and a lot of the forgotten realms books, R.A Salvatore is one of their better writers.I better stop jacking now.
You can easily tell by vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.