Look pretty far along for this early in the year. I doubt they will reveg. Problem is even if they do the yields and plants growth gets all fucked up anyway.Well I thru a couple of girls in the back yard bible says goodluck on reversing a flowering girl into a clone. Says hormones rule too much says you need to shock em like 24/7 of light to get them to revert. So I would think the same with vegging. Sure if something breaks or starts new area might revert there? They want to finish what is natural in spite of the street lights. So I will find out about this wifes tale B.S in about 6 weeks. Was gonna toss out two more out of the veggin room and keep on chiggin till July and then stay in from there till March. Wash rinse repeat and so on.
You can use lights to speed up a reveg or to keep from ever flowering to begin with. Simple CFL bulb will keep a plant from blooming but you have to use it from the day you put the plant outside. Good luck