when to plant in bay area


Well-Known Member
Well I thru a couple of girls in the back yard bible says goodluck on reversing a flowering girl into a clone. Says hormones rule too much says you need to shock em like 24/7 of light to get them to revert. So I would think the same with vegging. Sure if something breaks or starts new area might revert there? They want to finish what is natural in spite of the street lights. So I will find out about this wifes tale B.S in about 6 weeks. Was gonna toss out two more out of the veggin room and keep on chiggin till July and then stay in from there till March. Wash rinse repeat and so on.
Look pretty far along for this early in the year. I doubt they will reveg. Problem is even if they do the yields and plants growth gets all fucked up anyway.

You can use lights to speed up a reveg or to keep from ever flowering to begin with. Simple CFL bulb will keep a plant from blooming but you have to use it from the day you put the plant outside. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Way to give messed up advise, nice going :clap:

OP if you want advise of people who can help you listen to someone other then him ^^ Have had MANY different strains go full bloom when planted even in June if the lights are syned up and lights on time shortened. Put them out now and I guarantee then will switch and fuck up your yields BIG time. Clearly guys like the other poster really dont give a shit out you or I, that or they just havent a clue :sad:

yep, i'm clueless. says the guy with 10 posts. :roll:



Well-Known Member
yep, i'm clueless. says the guy with 10 posts. :roll:

Post count has NOTHING to do with experience. Apparently you think that spending all day posting a few hundred of times makes you some sort of expert. :roll: Seeing what kind of terrible advise you are giving to some guy I was actually trying to help pretty much sums up your expertise. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Post count has NOTHING to do with experience. Apparently you think that spending all day posting a few hundred of times makes you some sort of expert. :roll: Seeing what kind of terrible advise you are giving to some guy I was actually trying to help pretty much sums up your expertise. :dunce:
guess you didn't bother to watch the video. :-P

i know what i'm talking about or i wouldn't say it. i have 3 years worth of outdoor grow journals here. bother to read one of them. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
guess you didn't bother to watch the video. :-P

i know what i'm talking about or i wouldn't say it. i have 3 years worth of outdoor grow journals here. bother to read one of them. :sleep:
Yet you give out novice advise to poor unsuspecting newbies like him :confused: Hell maybe he should put them out in feb and hope for the best :roll: Maybe you have been down right "lucky" and havent had problems with plants going to early bloom but common sense and even a little research contradicts your poor advise. Funny thing is the very first time I ever did an outdoor run I just tossed them out and the did great. Then 3 years in a row after that one I had them all go early bloom, then some would reveg and produce 1/2 of what they could have. Half of it was just shit that had to be tossed due to the revegging/blooming it went through. Put them out early june then late june on the last two years it did this and the same shit happened. Going from lots of bright lights indoor with long days to much much shorter days outdoors will give you all kinds of problems with most varieties. A revegged/flowered plant just isnt very good 99% of the time. LOTS of other people with same experience.

Like telling someone to drive 120 MPH on a road trip and they should be fine since you drive 120 all the time without any problems. :dunce: Sometimes suggesting a happy medium is better yes ?


Well-Known Member
from what I've seen; the higher the sativa; the quicker and easier they escape flower lock. gettin' caught does slow things down some; but it's not a COMPLETE rat fuck. mine came out of it last year..having said that though- I'm waitin til the end of may...then my 4 select 'babies'-2 kali most, 2 chem valley vortex; will go into a bed 12'X 10' and 4' deep.


Well-Known Member
I started my autoflowers during the first week of march and transplanted them in my garden on May 20th. I tossed two beans of some free seeds I got, I had to pull them last week because they went straight to flower. I'm on the far west, in SoCal. I plan on starting my main crop around April 15-20. The morning weather has been averaging 52-54 degrees and it dipped to 42 the other day. I'm waiting for it to average 55-57. I've heard from others that they wait till June.


Active Member
wait FDD i just have a quesion about that video you posted- is that a SCROG? from the looks of that mesh under the plants it seemed like it might be...and I've never really seen reports doing a scrog outdoors...what about LST'ing?


Well-Known Member
Put them out june 21
The sunrise sunset calendar is wat i go by.
Im from BC i could plant april 20th, The first day of 14+ but i decided to wait untill the times are at there climax. june 21st is the longest day of the year.Hence summer start. End of july is good for a SOG outdoors. Harder to see


I have some that are doing well.I'm using good old horse crap with Super Soil.Nothing but a little dose of voodoo juice and poof their off and running.JS


Active Member
wait you use voodoo juice? hmm i was curious about it but at 96 bucks a liter i was a bit skeptical