when to refill your carbon filter

I posted this in another thread.....it fits here perfectly!

Why throw it out? You can wash and recharge that carbon!

Use a mild biodegradable soap in RO or deionized water. Put in the carbon and swish it around for about 15 min. Drain and rinse, 3 times, soaking/swishing the carbon for 10 min the first 2 times.
Now dry it and bake it in an oven at 250 deg till dry.....The heat does the "recharge" as it dries out. The mild soap removes any accumulated oils that it may have absorbed (only in the surface pores [on the carbon] are where these oils get trapped).

This is how a major drug company does it's lab filter carbon.


P.S. You might try the oven recharge first as that has good effect if your whole filter fits and you don't feel you want to tackle removing the carbon....Be sure to take off the white "prefilter" first.
oh wow this is 2015 post. how bad does it smell when you bake it? read someone said it's bad. is it like down the block bad?
Every filter I’ve taken apart had foam inside between the carbon and the end caps. Could possibly melt if whole filter is placed in the oven.
uh Oh. if polystyrene we're in trouble at 160F. some others maybe 250 ish. thanks for the heads up yo

Every filter I’ve taken apart had foam inside between the carbon and the end caps. Could possibly melt if whole filter is placed in the oven.

Insulation MaterialTemperature Range
Calcium Silicate-1806501200
Cellular Glass-260-450480900
Elastomeric foam-55-70120250
Mineral Wool, Ceramic fiber12002200
Mineral Wool, Glass032250480
Mineral Wool, Stone0327601400
Phenolic foam 150300
Polyisocyanurate, polyiso-180-290120250