When will sunni pop?

Hey gang quick pop in
Renly was born May 4th at 331pm

I laboured for over 48 hours pushed for 3
I did get my natural med free birth

I'm doing great

Baby is 6.6lbs and 19.75 inches long

I'm off to do baby snuggles xo

Congrats momma so happy u got to do a natural birth! Luv his name! ! Make sure u hide his birth blanket in ur bag !! Lol
Dang I was 2 days off..but u did start ur labor on the 2nd..so partial win!!
Oh snap mike totally said may the fourths star wars day. You guys owe me that riu trophy or whatever I win. What was it anyway? A free subscription to riu magazine?
I say may the fourth
Cause then you can be like may the forth be with me

Mike, what the hell you guessed twice? I don't know man, you may be disqualified. Gonna have to run this by the judges.

Its cool @ttystikk I will change.

May the ninth. I hope no one else guessed that cause I don't wanna change. Do we win a riu plaque or season tickets to the riu sports arena or something?

That trophy better be 9 feet tall so I can pretend to be big billy bad ass. But have the label be in micro print so it just looks impressive and we don't have to make any lengthy explanations