When will sunni pop?

well im not trusting of the medical staff so much

we were told she was a she at our anatomy scan.
today we had a growth scan update, and well she is a he.

so after being in shock for about 2 hours and than crying for an additional hour after that.... i figured i would just post

please no negivity. ive been carrying around for 8 months what i thought was a girl, ive spent thousands of dollars on girl items and clothing only to be told she is a he

i never wanted a boy in the first place but theres nothing i can do about that

right now as silly as it sounds were just grieving the thought of losing the girl we wanted so badly.
well im not trusting of the medical staff so much

we were told she was a she at our anatomy scan.
today we had a growth scan update, and well she is a he.

so after being in shock for about 2 hours and than crying for an additional hour after that.... i figured i would just post

please no negivity. ive been carrying around for 8 months what i thought was a girl, ive spent thousands of dollars on girl items and clothing only to be told she is a he

i never wanted a boy in the first place but theres nothing i can do about that

right now as silly as it sounds were just grieving the thought of losing the girl we wanted so badly.
Sorry that your hurting with your feelings, but you should only be happy you have a healthy baby coming. Not even sure to think about what you posted. Im sitting here stunned.......
well im not trusting of the medical staff so much

we were told she was a she at our anatomy scan.
today we had a growth scan update, and well she is a he.

so after being in shock for about 2 hours and than crying for an additional hour after that.... i figured i would just post

please no negivity. ive been carrying around for 8 months what i thought was a girl, ive spent thousands of dollars on girl items and clothing only to be told she is a he

i never wanted a boy in the first place but theres nothing i can do about that

right now as silly as it sounds were just grieving the thought of losing the girl we wanted so badly.

You'll LOVE having a little boy! Cheer up (and I hope you saved your receipts!)
Cinco de Mayo is coming fast...
Sorry that your hurting with your feelings, but you should only be happy you have a healthy baby coming. Not even sure to think about what you posted. Im sitting here stunned.......
gender disappointment is a real thing google it if youre interested.
i love my kid, dont get me wrong, its hard to put into words and probably not something you will understand and thats fine.
You'll LOVE having a little boy! Cheer up (and I hope you saved your receipts!)
Cinco de Mayo is coming fast...
nothing can be returned at this point, thats fine, a bit of a piss off money wise but money is not the end all be all of all things

im sure i will love having a boy, in the meantime i still need to emotionally wrap my head around it and thats fine too
gender disappointment is a real thing google it if youre interested.
i love my kid, dont get me wrong, its hard to put into words and probably not something you will understand and thats fine.
Your right. I meant nothing nasty. I asked my wife your right. I never new about gender disappointment. Sorry about the cloths also. Start a fund me account or what ever those are. This site could raise 2 grand in minutes.
Your right. I meant nothing nasty. I asked my wife your right. I never new about gender disappointment. Sorry about the cloths also. Start a fund me account or what ever those are. This site could raise 2 grand in minutes.
ah well at least you learned something new ,and thanks for checking into it, that takes balls to do so <3 i really appreciate it
trying to word it out here a bit

it doesnt mean i love my son any less but I had all kinds of daydreams about that baby girl that will never happen. You have this idea of who they will be, the things they'll do, what they'll look like and be interested in. It takes a while to get comfortable with that person. And now not only is that person not coming, in a month a different person is..and that's a lot to deal with

but it doesnt mean i dont love my son , its just a shocking situation
ah well at least you learned something new ,and thanks for checking into it, that takes balls to do so <3 i really appreciate it
I understand your disappointment, absolutely...but it's not a catastrophe by any means. You may not even remember it 2 and a half years from now...while you're chasing your son around the house...

Everybody has dreams for their children...and they usually don't work out like you think anyway...success comes in many varieties
well im not trusting of the medical staff so much

we were told she was a she at our anatomy scan.
today we had a growth scan update, and well she is a he.

so after being in shock for about 2 hours and than crying for an additional hour after that.... i figured i would just post

please no negivity. ive been carrying around for 8 months what i thought was a girl, ive spent thousands of dollars on girl items and clothing only to be told she is a he

i never wanted a boy in the first place but theres nothing i can do about that

right now as silly as it sounds were just grieving the thought of losing the girl we wanted so badly.

Sorry to hear Sunni, that the gender didn't go your way. I'm sure you guys will be very happy in the end regardless of this situation. It is indeed a game changer.

Look on the bright side, they could of told you your having twins...

You are in our thoughts

trying to word it out here a bit

it doesnt mean i love my son any less but I had all kinds of daydreams about that baby girl that will never happen. You have this idea of who they will be, the things they'll do, what they'll look like and be interested in. It takes a while to get comfortable with that person. And now not only is that person not coming, in a month a different person is..and that's a lot to deal with

but it doesnt mean i dont love my son , its just a shocking situation
You're probably just dreaming of your second child. It's all good, every girl needs an older brother anyways. Your husband's probably super excited. In all honesty, the reality of the situation is that you didn't loose a daughter because you've never had one. That baby that's coming is the right one, it's not a different person, that's something you've invented in your head. And there's nothing wrong with that, it happens. you don't need to clarify shit and you definitely don't have to feel guilty. you'll get over it , and you'll love him way more then that imaginary girl, as soon as you lay eyes on the little dude. Sucks balls about that money though. Stupid fucking Dr's.
well im not trusting of the medical staff so much

we were told she was a she at our anatomy scan.
today we had a growth scan update, and well she is a he.

so after being in shock for about 2 hours and than crying for an additional hour after that.... i figured i would just post

please no negivity. ive been carrying around for 8 months what i thought was a girl, ive spent thousands of dollars on girl items and clothing only to be told she is a he

i never wanted a boy in the first place but theres nothing i can do about that

right now as silly as it sounds were just grieving the thought of losing the girl we wanted so badly.

OMG poor momma u must be extremely upset..I totally get what ur saying. ..this is why we paid for a private 3d ultrasound after both scans done by doctors. .sometimes the babies penis it pointed upwards and they think it's a girl..it really boils down to experience when the tech identified gender..I'm soo sorry this happened but at least it's not negative news about the babies health!
Better to find out now..this way ur not upset at his birth. Honestly I see u with a sweet little handsome boy who adores his momma. .
The moment u look into his eyes and hold him against ur chest ur heart will just melt. The bond between a mother and son is soo innocent and pure..I know the situation is frustrating, sending u hugs! 20160326_150332.jpg
well im not trusting of the medical staff so much

we were told she was a she at our anatomy scan.
today we had a growth scan update, and well she is a he.

so after being in shock for about 2 hours and than crying for an additional hour after that.... i figured i would just post

please no negivity. ive been carrying around for 8 months what i thought was a girl, ive spent thousands of dollars on girl items and clothing only to be told she is a he

i never wanted a boy in the first place but theres nothing i can do about that

right now as silly as it sounds were just grieving the thought of losing the girl we wanted so badly.
What you're going through emotionally is totally NORMAL. I was in your shoes with one of mine. Trust me when I say you'll be so tickled with a son. Not trying to gloss over feelings of loss, and disappointment, but this will be a very distant memory when you meet your baby.
What you're going through emotionally is totally NORMAL. I was in your shoes with one of mine. Trust me when I say you'll be so tickled with a son. Not trying to gloss over feelings of loss, and disappointment, but this will be a very distant memory when you meet your baby.
Thanks lady!

And to all others thanks as well !
When they told me I was having a third girl at the ultrasound with my third child, I cried for about an hour afterwards, I was totally shellshocked because I'd really believed I was going to have a boy. I can imagine it must be much worse to have actually been told that you're having a girl, to then find out different. I think you have every right to be devastated. I didn't love my little girl any the less, and none of my children are what I was imagining during my pregnancy, but they're all awesome. My fourth was a boy, and that relationship is very different, no matter how much I try to see them equally, and I adore all of them as individuals, but that bond I have with my son is very special; you'll love having a little boy. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you :peace:
When they told me I was having a third girl at the ultrasound with my third child, I cried for about an hour afterwards, I was totally shellshocked because I'd really believed I was going to have a boy. I can imagine it must be much worse to have actually been told that you're having a girl, to then find out different. I think you have every right to be devastated. I didn't love my little girl any the less, and none of my children are what I was imagining during my pregnancy, but they're all awesome. My fourth was a boy, and that relationship is very different, no matter how much I try to see them equally, and I adore all of them as individuals, but that bond I have with my son is very special; you'll love having a little boy. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you :peace:
Thank you :)