When Will The World Become Color Blind?

"when will we just pretend like everyone has the same opportunities?"
Oh, maybe I took your statement wrong. If I think about it another way, it makes sense.. And no, I agree, no one will have the same opportunity as the next.. At least not all the time. Some are better at doing something than others, it's just the way it is. I thought you meant based on color.. Because my family does just fine with opportunities, but I hope it's not a token...
Now that really gets right to the heart of it all
Do you think it's the location? This has always puzzled me, I mean, I have family from NYC to Oakland, most have done OK. My great grand father, he was in the top 20 richest families in California. Blew his empire on gambling, though. I think locations plays a huge part.

There's a LOT of people in the ghettos and they usually stay there, more by choice, but it is harder to leave because their family is there. I think that's why a lot stay and things don't go well.. It's hard to leave family
Do you think it's the location? This has always puzzled me, I mean, I have family from NYC to Oakland, most have done OK. My great grand father, he was in the top 20 richest families in California. Blew his empire on gambling, though. I think locations plays a huge part.

There's a LOT of people in the ghettos and they usually stay there, more by choice, but it is harder to leave because their family is there. I think that's why a lot stay and things don't go well.. It's hard to leave family
I'm not really sure what you mean by location
I'm not really sure what you mean by location
I guess what i mean is certain cities in the states. Like Spanish Harlem.. It's very poor. Many people think that NYC is expensive, but you can get an apartment there for 600$/month. These places are everywhere, every major city.. And I just feel that minorities are held down here. They can't get out.. If they wanted to go to a good part of NYC, well then the rent goes to 1200/mo.. People are stuck. They don't want to be there, they would move if they had a job that could afford moving.. Bad cities.. Bad parts of the city I guess.. And its hard to get out
I guess what i mean is certain cities in the states. Like Spanish Harlem.. It's very poor. Many people think that NYC is expensive, but you can get an apartment there for 600$/month. These places are everywhere, every major city.. And I just feel that minorities are held down here. They can't get out.. If they wanted to go to a good part of NYC, well then the rent goes to 1200/mo.. People are stuck. They don't want to be there, they would move if they had a job that could afford moving.. Bad cities.. Bad parts of the city I guess.. And its hard to get out
Yeah, I agree that plays a part. Social mobility has been a huge problem and become much worse since the early 80s. People simply can't afford to move up and out, so they're left with what they can make do with.. This is the type of shit that we need to focus on changing if we ever hope to fix the racism problem in America
Yeah, I agree that plays a part. Social mobility has been a huge problem and become much worse since the early 80s. People simply can't afford to move up and out, so they're left with what they can make do with.. This is the type of shit that we need to focus on changing if we ever hope to fix the racism problem in America
I hope it changes soon. It's just something a alot of us have noticed growing up and it's something that hasn't had any attention. I mean, sometimes the government or even locals raising money to put in a ymca, but that doesn't change anything.. I know far too many people in the bad parts of town. Ashamed to say, but when I did coke for 2 years in my early days, my friends from those parts were where I'd get it. It's the only way they can get ahead. So thinking outside the box, that's why those parts are drug spots. It's the only way for them to survive. Then they get locked up, jail, bail, welfare, it's fucked up! I know the answer to this, but ask a coke dealer in Harlem if that's what they really want to do. You'd be surprised the answer, or maybe not surprised if you can think deep.
Nobody is asking you to apologize for what your ancestors did. What they are asking, is that you help change the system which continues to give some people advantages over others based on what your ancestors did. Pretending it never happened and ignoring the historical injustices which are the root of statistically factual racial inequality will not bring about justice.

Colorblindness is the new racist mantra of white privilege.
Colorblindness is the new racist mantra of white privilege.
Just to be clear, is the criticism against 'colorblindness' something along the lines of thinking that white people want to just "start all over" in a sense and erase the past 500 years of American history and just say "hey guys, c'mon, let's just forget about all that and be equals now!", and the resentment that feeds in minority communities for totally dismissing all the wrongdoing that was committed?
Just to be clear, is the criticism against 'colorblindness' something along the lines of thinking that white people want to just "start all over" in a sense and erase the past 500 years of American history and just say "hey guys, c'mon, let's just forget about all that and be equals now!", and the resentment that feeds in minority communities for totally dismissing all the wrongdoing that was committed?
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people calling people who aren't racist, racist. I'm sick of race BAITING. Race baiting has been happening 10 fold the past 10 years. I get it, times SUCKED for certain people 200 years ago. Everywhere. Africans sold thier people to Europeans. Some Africans in the United states before the civil war had slaves. Egyptians had slaves. Jews were slaves. Slavery was a huge deal then, it was everywhere. The shit taught in high school is just bullshit American slavery. The underground tunnel goes deeper than that, college history taught a little more but left out lots of things.

What I'm getting at is racist people will ALWAYS be racist unless the cycle is broken in HIGH SCHOOL. Race baiting fixes nothing and pisses off many.

No color is better than another. We're just people. Some with a different history. But it's 2016. It's not the past and there were fuck faces 500 years ago and there will be fuck faces 500 years from now.

When will the world, or at least the United states become color blind?

When the biggest racist stops perpetuating it.

Have you noticed that Race is something you have to fill out on every government form?
No one, or at least most, do not want to erase history. Wish we could sometimes. But if you can't erase it, which we can't, and it's still there, educate. Make change. How in the hell, ffs.. Have we not been able to shift this madness when making new history? It's not that hard......really..

And for real.. The race check box.. Wtf.. Who cares, it shouldn't matter. Eats me up inside that it might hurt someone. That's something I haven't thought of really.
That's a poor /ghetto thing.. Because most of my family is well off. We have all had great opportunity. The funny thing is that some of, or even a majority of, my white color family is in bad shape.. Maybe due to where they live? I don't know, I haven't figured it out. That's why none of the main stream things, like you mentioned, about opportunities, has ever been a problem, ever..
A lot has to do where you live and who you know ...... oil field and plant jobs out here if you stick with it a couple years you make some good money $25+ an hour 7/12's its really good money you just cant be lazy about it ...... when i was in michigan i couldnt find a job to save my life ..... nothing i mean nothing would pay over $10 an hour to someone that wasnt in the click or union already
Statistical applications having to do with Race.... Right?
"Race" is somewhat of a misnomer since we're all part of the human "race"

Ethnicity would probably be better. It helps to measure certain things like that in order to determine if any outside variables are affecting whatever you might be measuring. For instance if I was wondering if African Americans were indiscriminately targeted during police interactions, I could go check the police records that record the race of the individuals who were stopped/questioned. If I want to check if a certain ailment afflicts a certain group of people more or less, like sickle cell anemia, for whatever reason. If I want to determine how healthy a group of people are and if their ethnicity (and thereby likely location of which would give you the likely diet of and other leading factors that would contribute to the health of said group of people) has anything to do with it.. etc. Lot's of reasons that don't have anything to do with racism.
Just to be clear, is the criticism against 'colorblindness' something along the lines of thinking that white people want to just "start all over" in a sense and erase the past 500 years of American history and just say "hey guys, c'mon, let's just forget about all that and be equals now!", and the resentment that feeds in minority communities for totally dismissing all the wrongdoing that was committed?
Do you mean racism or slavery? They both are messed up.. Slavery even more so when you realize Africans sold slaves to Europeans and some free Africans in the states had slaves. That's fucked up, I don't think reparations are the key, since slavery is so wide spread back then, but racism, the hangings, the fires.. That is so much more fucked up
"Race" is somewhat of a misnomer since we're all part of the human "race"

Ethnicity would probably be better. It helps to measure certain things like that in order to determine if any outside variables are affecting whatever you might be measuring. For instance if I was wondering if African Americans were indiscriminately targeted during police interactions, I could go check the police records that record the race of the individuals who were stopped/questioned. If I want to check if a certain ailment afflicts a certain group of people more or less, like sickle cell anemia, for whatever reason. If I want to determine how healthy a group of people are and if their ethnicity (and thereby likely location of which would give you the likely diet of and other leading factors that would contribute to the health of said group of people) has anything to do with it.. etc. Lot's of reasons that don't have anything to do with racism.

The point of the thread is division.

I am suggesting the government divides us. I believe it does it on purpose.

One of the ways we can eliminate racism is to eliminate race. You can be an American. If you want to be an African American you have decided to set yourself in a separate group from Americans and thus have divided yourself from the group.
Slavery is still going on in those african tribes .... ISIS sells sex slaves so does the mexican cartel ...... havent seen a lynching on the news in a long time ...... unless a trump rally counts