When Will The World Become Color Blind?

I'm super tired, I don't even know if my last post makes sense, I'll check back in the morning. Glad some people have some drive about the topic and glad to have a good discussion about it. Have a good night yall
The point of the thread is division.

I am suggesting the government divides us. I believe it does it on purpose.

One of the ways we can eliminate racism is to eliminate race. You can be an American. If you want to be an African American you have decided to set yourself in a separate group from Americans and thus have divided yourself from the group.
wealthy and poor ....... race is just a subcategory
wealthy and poor ....... race is just a subcategory

Socio-economic is a big divider because again, government makes it one. But there are more including religion, sexual affiliation, etc.

One thing I found so interesting about the 9/11 attack is that on that day it seemed that most of the divisions were forgotten and that we were all Americans. It devolved back into petty squabbles quickly but the effect it had left an impression on me.
I think racism is slowely fading, kids aren't taught in schools about how to be racist. The culprits mostly are the parents, for example in the movie "American History X" it was shown clearly. The father passed down the negative view on (in this case) black people, and the son picked it up and was later a "skinhead".

Correct me if I'm wrong but the last slaves were like what, 200 years ago, so that's not really a long time ago if you take into the context of generations (about six, wikipedia states that one generation is about every 33 years). So after slavery dissapered it could be safe to say that three generations were still passing down their racial hate (because someone who remembered when slaves were still active could be still alive 70 years later) and it somewhat stayed up until now.

It will probably take another three generations to completely iradicate the idea of racism, especially in our times were slavery is completely illegal all over the world (thankfully).

But I've noticed that it also comes down to cultures. Take Eastern Europe for example, there is basically a handful of black people living here, hence why most people are just not used to people of another skin colour, so most of the time you get "black jokes" or some other asinine shit like that.
Socio-economic is a big divider because again, government makes it one. But there are more including religion, sexual affiliation, etc.

One thing I found so interesting about the 9/11 attack is that on that day it seemed that most of the divisions were forgotten and that we were all Americans. It devolved back into petty squabbles quickly but the effect it had left an impression on me.

"They" always get a lot of mileage out of those emotional "we're being attacked" ploys.

I think racism is slowely fading, kids aren't taught in schools about how to be racist. The culprits mostly are the parents, for example in the movie "American History X" it was shown clearly. The father passed down the negative view on (in this case) black people, and the son picked it up and was later a "skinhead".

Correct me if I'm wrong but the last slaves were like what, 200 years ago, so that's not really a long time ago if you take into the context of generations (about six, wikipedia states that one generation is about every 33 years). So after slavery dissapered it could be safe to say that three generations were still passing down their racial hate (because someone who remembered when slaves were still active could be still alive 70 years later) and it somewhat stayed up until now.

It will probably take another three generations to completely iradicate the idea of racism, especially in our times were slavery is completely illegal all over the world (thankfully).

But I've noticed that it also comes down to cultures. Take Eastern Europe for example, there is basically a handful of black people living here, hence why most people are just not used to people of another skin colour, so most of the time you get "black jokes" or some other asinine shit like that.

1865-2015 = 150 years. A generation is loosely defined as 25 years.

Racism will only diminish as the social mores demand it.

America does everything it can to promote division, small wonder we can't seem to get over any of them, from classism to racism.
Color blindness won't help with the black/white racism one bit as you would see black and white. Lol

School has not found the way to successfully brain wash children yet but keep voting for the lesser of two evils I'm sure they will find a way.
The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black (Negro in historical terms). This concept evolved over the course of the 19th century and became codified into law in the 20th century. It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness" and is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status.[3]

The same principle may be applied, or has been applied in opposite ways in different cultures, as is the case in Brazil vs. the United States.
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people calling people who aren't racist, racist. I'm sick of race BAITING. Race baiting has been happening 10 fold the past 10 years. I get it, times SUCKED for certain people 200 years ago. Everywhere. Africans sold thier people to Europeans. Some Africans in the United states before the civil war had slaves. Egyptians had slaves. Jews were slaves. Slavery was a huge deal then, it was everywhere. The shit taught in high school is just bullshit American slavery. The underground tunnel goes deeper than that, college history taught a little more but left out lots of things.

What I'm getting at is racist people will ALWAYS be racist unless the cycle is broken in HIGH SCHOOL. Race baiting fixes nothing and pisses off many.

No color is better than another. We're just people. Some with a different history. But it's 2016. It's not the past and there were fuck faces 500 years ago and there will be fuck faces 500 years from now.

When will the world, or at least the United states become color blind?

Never. It's as old as man itself. Same with pedo's and other vermon..sex slave traders etc.
The point of the thread is division.

I am suggesting the government divides us. I believe it does it on purpose.

One of the ways we can eliminate racism is to eliminate race. You can be an American. If you want to be an African American you have decided to set yourself in a separate group from Americans and thus have divided yourself from the group.
Exactly, race isn't even a thing.. It's a program from the past that we still use today because of the government.
Socio-economic is a big divider because again, government makes it one. But there are more including religion, sexual affiliation, etc.

One thing I found so interesting about the 9/11 attack is that on that day it seemed that most of the divisions were forgotten and that we were all Americans. It devolved back into petty squabbles quickly but the effect it had left an impression on me.
It was lost quickly. I remember 9/11 vividly, my school shut down in Albany NY, they thought it was going to be more wide spread. Scared the shit out of everyone and I ended up moving further back upstate.. Fucked up time