I don't have all the answers but I'm sure as fuck not telling a bunch of people who are fighting for racial equality to just be colorblind. The only people who have the luxury to be colorblind are the people who don't have to deal with always getting the short end of the stick. The fact is that current socioeconomic strata are lined up along historical lines. Just because those lines have started to blur does not mean they are no longer racial. They started racial and they still exist. As my thread specially for white men to list the oppression they have faced clearly demonstrates, there are clear advantages in our society to being white. It takes some serious fucking ignorance to benefit from it and bitch about being colorblind.
Race is a social construct. Who constructed it? Who benefits from it? Some white people might insist they don't benefit from it and they are welcome to list their stories of how oppressed they are in another thread, like I said I made one just specifically and especially for that but society isn't even really post colonial so how the fuck is it post racial?