When Will The World Become Color Blind?

my bad. I was jumping the gun. Not trying to offend anyone lol. Maybe I took some things the wrong way. Don't take what I post the wrong way. Sometimes I say things that a friend said, and usually I mention that with 'i heard from someone that blah blah "or whatever. #2016ftw
Race is a social construct.
Race is about people who look different it's no surprise a white person has a hard time picking a black person from a line up. Same goes for black people picking out white people and just look at Asians can you really pick an Asian out of a line up?

So yeah it will never die but if you don't allow racism in prison it would get a good 90% better because the only hard core racists I've seen have done time.

All them gangs are racist as fuck in prison so why in a correctional facility would they "government" promote racism??
I don't have all the answers but I'm sure as fuck not telling a bunch of people who are fighting for racial equality to just be colorblind. The only people who have the luxury to be colorblind are the people who don't have to deal with always getting the short end of the stick. The fact is that current socioeconomic strata are lined up along historical lines. Just because those lines have started to blur does not mean they are no longer racial. They started racial and they still exist. As my thread specially for white men to list the oppression they have faced clearly demonstrates, there are clear advantages in our society to being white. It takes some serious fucking ignorance to benefit from it and bitch about being colorblind.

Race is a social construct. Who constructed it? Who benefits from it? Some white people might insist they don't benefit from it and they are welcome to list their stories of how oppressed they are in another thread, like I said I made one just specifically and especially for that but society isn't even really post colonial so how the fuck is it post racial?
1865-2015 = 150 years. A generation is loosely defined as 25 years.

Racism will only diminish as the social mores demand it.

America does everything it can to promote division, small wonder we can't seem to get over any of them, from classism to racism.
Oh right, thanks for correcting me. Yeah, Id say that the goverment or media have a huge role to play.
Black people will often say "you don't know what it's like to be black." And they're right, I don't. But they don't known what it is like to not be black.

Bad shit happens by random chance to all people. The worst part of our legacy of racism is that it is now impossible for blacks and others to tell when whatever it is that doesn't go their way went bad by random dumb luck, or because of racism.

Black people bitch about resumes with 'black sounding' names getting 20% fewer call backs, but they use stupid fucking names. I wouldn't hire someone with a name I can't read either.

A lot of what is perceived racism is actually just life.
I don't have all the answers but I'm sure as fuck not telling a bunch of people who are fighting for racial equality to just be colorblind. The only people who have the luxury to be colorblind are the people who don't have to deal with always getting the short end of the stick. The fact is that current socioeconomic strata are lined up along historical lines. Just because those lines have started to blur does not mean they are no longer racial. They started racial and they still exist. As my thread specially for white men to list the oppression they have faced clearly demonstrates, there are clear advantages in our society to being white. It takes some serious fucking ignorance to benefit from it and bitch about being colorblind.

Race is a social construct. Who constructed it? Who benefits from it? Some white people might insist they don't benefit from it and they are welcome to list their stories of how oppressed they are in another thread, like I said I made one just specifically and especially for that but society isn't even really post colonial so how the fuck is it post racial?
Sorry AC, but your thread about oppressed white men is complete bullshit...

Someone could say, I got jumped by a group of blackmen and raped repeatedly for 6 days the whole time being called a cracker MFer and you would say something stupid like.... "oh, poor white man"

So dont point to that thread as being any thing other than a waste of time to read.
Sorry AC, but your thread about oppressed white men is complete bullshit...

Someone could say, I got jumped by a group of blackmen and raped repeatedly for 6 days the whole time being called a cracker MFer and you would say something stupid like.... "oh, poor white man"

So dont point to that thread as being any thing other than a waste of time to read.
I would call that a hate crime by a bunch of racist's
And so would everyone else including AC
I would call that a hate crime by a bunch of racist's
And so would everyone else including AC
So if a group of black men attacked and beat up a white guy while calling him a cracker MFer, that would be racists committing a hate crime?
AC doesnt agree with you.
What are you talking about? All that rampant oppression must have you bullshitting in order to derail threads.
So you see Chesus. His whole agenda is to make light of other people's struggles.
If it applies to a minority they are oppressed, if it applies to anyone else, they are being crybabies.
I asked you a question. Do you feel oppressed?
Clueless to all the discrimination and oppression you have experienced as a white guy?
Ok, if you are told "you can bid on these jobs, but you will not receive any because of the color of your skin and/or gender" would you consider that discrimination and/or oppression?