Where are the gun enthusiasts? Part 2


Well-Known Member
Do not compare me to government. Ever.

ya i don't understand that either. the government are the ones trying to ban guns so technically we're going against the propaganda. there's so much propaganda trying to get rid of guns - just like weed.
they paint the picture that these southern republicans in office are gonna keep the guns and blah blah blah. i'm not even a republican. i'm not a democrat either. i do have mostly democratic views like i would like socialized health care - but not while these banking elite's are running it. they're going to use socialized health care to induce population control even more. they're slowly sterilizing us through the water and other forms as well.

but anyways. i'm now just a TRUE independent. which is sad because i have mostly constitutionalist views. i just want my rights and to TRULY be free. people say USA is the freest country in the world - bullshit. they just disguise it as being free. we're so hypnotized and in this trance from watching TV it's disguisting. idk.

I just am keeping my guns and any guns i can get because i know that they want us as weak as possible. i aint gonna take this shit lying down.

and i do stay open minded i do understand the anti gun view. but HONESTLY they guns that gang bangers use or whatever - are brought back illegally by people in our military or are stolen or whatever. they don't go to the fucking gun store and buy a gun under there name because then they would just trace it. - guns are obviously made for killing no one denies that. but in another point of view you could say they are made for protection. in war in your house on the street whatever.

idk i think i'm keeping an open mind - i know some pro gun people don't - but i also know that a lot of anti gun people are not staying open minded as well. think about that shit.


Well-Known Member
A country that fears its government is a dictatorship, a government that fears its people is a democracy. We will always have our guns, It's impossible for them to ban it and successfully take them.


Well-Known Member
who's to say they won't try tho? you know?

I guarantee it, those NRA guy's don't mess around. Ever been to TX or free states? Those civilians have the same firepower the military does. My theory is that If the government tries to ban guns, coffee, cigarettes, or alcohol It's a guaranteed civil war. Don't forget who serves In the military, lower and middle class who were most likely raised with gun too.